Aleyda Solis 🕊️ Profile picture
SEO Consultant, Speaker & Author. @Orainti Founder @Remotersnet Co-Founder @CrawlingMondays Host #SEOFOMO + #MarketingFOMO + Maker @mujeresEnSEO

Dec 10, 2021, 8 tweets

Are you forecasting your organic search traffic/conversions/revenue for next year?

Here are a few Free SEO forecasting templates, guides and easy to use resources to help you:

🔭 SEO Forecasting in Google Sheets - A template by @THCapper…



🔭 A Quick Guide to SEO Forecasting + A Free Google Sheets Template by @helpyourhumans…



🔭 How to Forecast SEO Potential With Google Data Studio by @seocounseling [With Template]…



🔭 Auto-SEO forecasting with StreamProphet! A @streamlit Web app using Google Search Console data 🚀 by @DataChaz…


🔭 Forecasting For SEO – Creating expectation and showing return on investment (ROI) by @mira_inam - Learn how to forecast from scratch using Excel with this step by step:…


🔭 SEO Forecasting in Google Sheets Template by @bertiecharlton using Google Analytics and The Solver add-on:…


🔭 Finally, do you use @ahrefs ? Check this @patrickstox guide: How to Use Data Forecasting for SEO [Scripts Included]…


Happy new year forecasting! 🙌🔭 ... and remember, it's always useful to have different ways to achieve the expected results, as well as a few optimistic & pessimistic scenarios depending on what's planned (and what can go wrong)! 😉💪

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