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Dec 11, 2021, 17 tweets

Vaccine deaths from people in their twenties 7x higher than covid deaths.…

"Disproportionate increase of death from cardiovascular
diseases was observed both among medical workers and elderly people who received COVID-19 vaccine compared with general population."

"Distribution of the number of days to death from inoculation of COVID-19 vaccine is similar to that of incubation period of COVID-19. Based on such evidence and biological plausibility, causality between death from cardiovascular diseases and COVID-19 is substantially supported"

This isnt from some nonsense journal or off the wall publication. This is an english translation of a well-respected international medical journal produced in Japan.

"These suggest that COVID-19 vaccination is closely associated with the risk of death from cardiovascular causes, especially hemorrhagic stroke and VT/PE."

Look at the underlined Hemorrhagic stroke and Venous system and PE for Medical workers. Wildly out of reference.

Just look at days from inoculation to death of medical workers (top, black) and then look at the chart below illustrating incubation period of Covid-19. Its identical.

It is ridiculous to consider vaccination for school children.

Globally people are waking up to the fact that the carefully crafted and controlled narrative coming out of media isn't the truth. Sharing this study, talking about uncomfortable issues related to rushed vaccinations and not being afraid to speak out is necessary.

Be kind to your neighbors.

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