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Feb 5 4 tweets 1 min read
$37,673,957 so that sex workers, their clients, and transgender people in South Africa get HIV medicine and “reproductive health” aka Abortions Image We paying $6 million to Indian women to weave baskets
Jan 2 7 tweets 3 min read
We have a MAJOR problem. 🚨

Matthew Livelsberger Aka Matt Berg changed his Signal safety number just before the explosion. And then his photo and safety number changed AFTER the explosion. Image
Law enforcement sources said that Livelsberger was on active duty with the Army serving in Germany and was on leave in Colorado at the time of the incident. His wife hadn’t heard from him in several days prior to the incident, the source said.

The unit source, an individual serving in Germany, has made the following claims and provided the linked images in the first post:

#1 He was a Trump and Elon supporter. Not radically so, but a solid supporter.

#2 His Signal safety number changed once before the explosion and then his photo and safety number changed AFTER the explosion (see photo from our Signal group chat).

#3 The first safety # change makes sense because he lives in Europe and he would have flown from EU to US. If he did that around December 29th, then the first safety # change makes sense as US citizens who work in EU and fly back and forth for vacation or work often will use a US sim or a different phone for convenience (different cell company in Europe vs US, different SIM, etc).

#4 If he didn't fly on or about the 29th, then that brings #3 into question.

#5 Elon says that he unlocked the truck after the explosion to help law enforcement. He claims it only locked due to the force of the blast. However, if it can be remotely unlocked then it can be remotely locked. Just a random thought I had and probably unrelated.

#6 The individual stationed in Germany also tried to make a NSFW Reddit community to get to the bottom of this, but within 2 minutes of his first post (this same message) it was banned.

The individual concluded by stating “Something fishy is going on and I can't explain it. I'm deeply concerned about an impending series of red flag attacks in the USA.”

Be Kind To Your Neighbors
Mar 21, 2024 6 tweets 31 min read
This is an aerial photo taken over a restricted area at Camp Gruber-Braggs, Oklahoma in early April of 1995. Just days after this photo was taken, the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City was destroyed by a Ryder truck full of explosives. Image THE WITNESSES: Within minutes of the bombing of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City, all available on-duty and off-duty police, fire and medical personnel from throughout the metropolitan area responded to the scene. Citizens and rescue crews teamed up to ensure the injured were treated and transported as quickly as possible.

In the first minutes following the blasts that devastated the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City, the morning of April 19, 1995, a number of selfless individuals risked life and limb to rescue many of the victims. They were quickly joined by others.

Among the very first to arrive on the scene were Oklahoma City police officers, Terrance Yeakey, Gordon Martin and Ken Griffin, a number of Oklahoma City firefighters, Dr. H. Don Chumley, and General Services Administration planner Michael Lee Loudenslager.

In the aftermath of the bombing, the name Mike Loudenslager holds particular significance in the hearts of many in and around Oklahoma City. And this is so, because of the forewarning he gave to a number of those families who had children in the Murrah Building's day-care center.

In the weeks preceding the bombing, Michael Loudenslager, 48, had become increasingly aware that large amounts of ordnance and explosives were being stored in the building and as a result he, (along with the operator of the day-care center) strongly urged a number of parents to take their children out of the Murrah Building.

This situation arose after other employees became concerned with an increased amount of ordnance (missiles) being brought into the building by the B.A.T.F. and D.E.A. As a result of this concern, a grievance was filed with G.S.A. by the building's security director, whose wife ran the day-care center.

The result was, the security director, the man who who had filed the complaint citing the danger to the Murrah Building's occupants, lost his job there.

Then, after some remodeling work had been done to the day care center, and the operator (the security director's wife) notified Fire Marshals of the work's completion, (as was required by her license) Fire Marshals were denied access by federal agents, and were instructed to leave.

And then... the day-care operator lost her contract.

After hearing rumors about an impending bombing and feeling the risk was too great not to say anthing, Michael Loudenslager and the day-care center operator began speaking with parents, many of whom chose to remove their children. Because of their warnings, far fewer children were in the day-care center on that horrible Wednesday morning than there otherwise would have been. A number of families, in and around Oklahoma City, have these two people to thank for their children's lives today.

At the time of the bombing, Loudenslager was in court. Shortly after the bombing, Loudenslager was among those who were actively helping in the rescue and recovery effort. A large number of those at the bomb-site either saw or talked with him.

During the course of the early rescue efforts, however, Mike Loudenslager was seen and heard engaging in a loud, angry exchange with someone there.

Much of his anger stemmed from the fact he felt the B.A.T.F. was in large part responsible, not only for the bombing, but for the death and injury to those inside, particularly the nineteen children who died as a result of the blast.

Her name was Baylee. She died

To the utter astonishment of a large number of police officers and rescue workers therefore, it was later reported that G.S.A. employee Mike Loudenslager's body had been found inside the Murrah Building the following Sunday, at his desk on the first floor, supposedly a victim of the 9:02 A.M. bombing.

The problem with the "official" story then, is that Loudenslager already been seen alive and well by numerous rescue workers at the bomb-site after the bombing, where he was actively engaged in the urgent task of rescuing critically injured victims.

Yes he is officially listed as one of the 168 bombing fatalities.

But Mike Loudenslager was murdered at the site, sometime after the bombing.

The question now becomes: Was he murdered and placed at his desk? Or, was he simply murdered and said to have been found at his desk?.

The Federal government had sequestered the area; no one who did not have official approval was allowed in.

This considerably narrows the list of suspects.

Michael Lee Loudenslager was survived by his wife, Betty, and one son.

Loudenslager's murder is unquestionably one of the most important sidelights of the Oklahoma City bombing.

Jack Colvert, Jackie Majors and Buddy Youngblood had also been at the Murrah Building that morning. Each saw Mike Loudenslager alive and well after the bombing.

They'e all dead.

So are Dr. H. Don Chumley and Officer Terry Yeakey.

As are, it is now said, about thirty people who either knew too much, or asked too many questions.

At least two attempts have been made on the life of Officer Gordon Martin.

Others who were there that morning have also felt threatened.

Many police officers and emergency services personnel still fear for their personal safety.

And for good reason...Image
Mar 19, 2024 13 tweets 5 min read
Remember that time the President of the UN General Assembly got crushed to death by a barbell right before he was going to testify against Hillary Clinton? Image Or how the phrase “fake news” took off on the exact same day as “pizzagate”. Image
Jan 25, 2024 8 tweets 5 min read
Thread 🧵
If this statement by Governor Abbott interests you, and a better understanding of your Rights and the Rights held by States are of interest to you then the following links provide in-depth, thoughtful commentary on the genesis of government, the natural rights of man, and the duality of State vs General government.Image ‘A Mother’s Wit’
This is 40-50 pages long and provides a succinct and accurate explanation on the genesis of Republican government as the founders knew it.
Dec 11, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read

Q1 2024: Liquidity crisis due to reverse repo and BTFP

Q2-Q3 2024: Fed lowers interest rates, turns on money printers yet again

Q4-Q2 2024-2025: After divisive election and exceedingly high inflation due to said money printing, US government needs a manufactured crisis to take pressure off of growing civil discontent; enter minor pandemic, frequent various scale cyberattacks on critical infrastructure & industry, supposed pervasive right wing terror threat, major peer war, or some combination thereof. Reintroduction of a revised Bush-era color code terror alert system that introduces local-regional threat lockdowns based upon one or a combination of all of the above threats.

2025-2026ish: Increased fervor for entry into war with China over Taiwan. European allies split on entry into war. Full scale war with China averted, appeasement occurs. Nearly 30million illegal immigrants reside within US.

Mid-Late 2026: China exerts defacto control over Taiwan. Minor insurgency occurs. US presence patrols increase in air and at sea as attempts to exert severely waning influence in South China Sea. US military presence in Japan and Australia heavily bolstered.

By 2030 US ceases to exist as the preeminent global political entity due to appeasement, war, instability, inflationary monetary policy, demographic collapse, domestic fractures, poor & corrupt leadership, global lack of trust in US gov ability to exert its will on global stage, etc. American median income remains ~$35,000/yr. Americans are poorer and more disconnected with their government than ever. The Last Exit arrives.
Dec 7, 2023 18 tweets 7 min read
Thread 🧵
Remember that house that just blew up in Arlington? Well things are not exactly as they seem.

Hang on, here we go…
Let’s go step by step. The house is owned by a man named James Woo.

Where was James Yoo's house?
844 N. Burlington Street Arlington, VA

Who is James Yoo's father?
James Yoo’s father, Ki Hong Yoo, American University (CIA cutout), wrote plan to retake North Korea with bioagents for President of South Korea in this picture.

Who is James Yoo's mother?
James Yoo’s mother, Anne Shinn Yoo, US State Dept/CIA, Voice of America lead broadcaster for South Korean division of US propaganda mouthpiece Voice of America.

Who was James Yoo?
James Yoo had a long career but his most notable job was a"Head of Global Information and Physical Security" at Global Crossing.
Aug 8, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
Think about what is being devalued by the monied interests within our society:

-Two parent households with a mother & father
-Merit based hiring
-Strong attachment to traditional Western Values
-Judging by content of character Image Instead, we are met with:
-Single Parent Households
-DEI Hiring Quotas
-Destruction of Western Heritage
-Transgenderism and LGBTQIA-whatever
-Government & Corporate adherence
-Atheism and devotion to Progressivism
-Race being the primary focus Image
Aug 8, 2023 15 tweets 6 min read
Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan – Police Find: TENS OF THOUSANDS of Fake Registrations, Bags of Pre-Paid Gift Cards, Guns with Silencers, Burner Phones, and a Democrat-Funded Organization with Multiple Temporary Facilities in Several States……
Image The evidence from this investigation exposes criminal election fraud involving thousands of fraudulent ballots in Michigan by an organization that set up temporary offices in several swing states prior to the 2020 election. Image
Aug 1, 2023 17 tweets 5 min read
🧵 Let’s talk Election Interference: the topic that got myself and so many others banned just a few short years ago. It’s real, it’s happening, and our intelligence agencies have a very public history of meddling in elections. Dov H. Levin wrote a 2020 book called ‘Meddling in the Ballot Box: The Causes and Effects of Partisan Electoral Interventions’. In it they reveal that the United States intervened in more foreign elections between 1946 and 2000 than any other nation.
Jul 6, 2023 31 tweets 11 min read
Thread. 🧵
This isn't unique to Galway, Ireland. This is happening all over the Western world. Don't believe me? Let's take a look... Here are some cities where Muhammad, in any of its spellings, is a top boys name for new babies:

Amsterdam, Netherlands: Muhammad is the 2nd most popular name for boys in Amsterdam, and it has been in the top 10 since 2009.
Jun 14, 2023 16 tweets 5 min read
No refunds. This is why you don't switch from ultra easy mode to nightmare mode mid game. Image It's just page after page of these women trannys complaining that they hated it as a woman, now hate it as a 'man' (which they aren't), and constantly just play the victim. They're a cancer on society. ImageImage
Jun 7, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Short Thread 🧵
Joe Biden used EXTORTION/BRIBERY to force Gov. Albert Bryan to fire his Attorney General so that an investigation into J.P. Morgan Chase and Jeffrey Epstein would be halted. Image An investigation which would have implicated James Biden (Joe Biden's brother) and numerous high ranking executives at J.P Morgan Chase, and the Virgin Islands Governors office in a decades long bribery/extortion scheme and human trafficking ring. Image
May 18, 2023 19 tweets 5 min read
Think about the crazy covid stuff people did simply because the government told them to:

Filled skate parks with sand Image Baptized babies with waterguns from 6 feet Image
May 16, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Short Thead🚨🚨
The IRS has removed the entire investigative team in the Hunter Biden tax evasion investigation!!… “Today the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Criminal Supervisory Special Agent we represent was informed that he and his entire investigative team are being removed from the ongoing and sensitive investigation of the high-profile, controversial subject about which our client..."
May 11, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
When powers designed to be pointed outward point in. Americans have no idea what they’re up against.… “Clicking on one of dots from the NSA allowed Clark to follow that individual’s exact movements, virtually every moment of their life, from that previous year until the present.”…
May 10, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
I don't like seeing anybody suffering, or in pain. I see this cope & I'm overwhelmed with empathy, but know I have nothing I can do with that empathy. He's desperate for a history, for pride, for a historical/cultural narrative to look back on in order to show the way forward. You can tell he feels left behind by the world, as if the whole of his people are vestigial to the greater parts of humanity, a remnant of an earlier world and people that exists out of place and out of time with modernity.
May 9, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The Digital Currency Monetary Authority (DCMA) announced the Universal Monetary Unit (UMU), Unicoin, an international central bank digital currency (CBDC) capable of digital SWIFT-like cross-border payments that bypass the correspondent banking system.… Unicoin is designed to be the backbone of a global CBDC, removing the need for physical fiat currency and providing central banking authorities and governments total surveillance and control capabilities of any & all transactions and accounts.
May 4, 2023 20 tweets 12 min read
As urban areas become less habitable, and entire areas of cities become no-go zones for dining, shopping and leisure, the need for those who commit crimes to expand their area footprint will also increase. This will mean crime will spill into residential areas & suburbs.

One of the things that Americans will be forced to do is adjust to this new reality. Simply saying "they better not come to the suburbs" when these groups of low impulse control urban youths run 10-20 and sometimes 50 or more strong simply isn’t realistic. You need planning.
May 4, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
The global economy is facing a number of challenges in 2023. Image High inflation.
Inflation is at a 40-year high in the United States, and it is also high in other parts of the world. Rising prices are putting a strain on household budgets and businesses. Image
Apr 5, 2023 14 tweets 11 min read
Nothing is being pushed on you, bigot! ImageImageImageImage ImageImageImageImage