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Protect Your Peace(piece)✌🏽

Dec 12, 2021, 9 tweets

What made me seal the deal on investing into #ImpactXP .....!!!

Community and Environment and Finances

Being a #IMPACTor has always been my way of life aka Activist,Humanitarian, aka just an helper or servant of the people

I would love if @JadFarah12 shined a little light on what's going on globally yes...but more importantly what's happening in our backyard in Flint

So me and some other brothers and sisters decided to help out and it seemed to be an impossible thought...but it quickly turned into a movement of love and help

The power of the people is undefeated when its ran by the people... #IMPACTors

So we kept going and going for a few years with hope's of the government coming in and doing the right thing some of the #DAPL came in to help as well as we took a stand to SAVE OUR WATER

Some of us are doers(I get it) then some of us can help in other ways(I get that as well)...but it's our duty to help one another and I believe that's been lost in today's society(but we can light the fire back) #IMPACTors

Small ideas can lead to giant actions,like small gestures of help can be an abundance of appreciation...start small then go big #IMPACTors

So with everything I've said I hope that WE can definitely be a face of change and humanity within the crypto world...but most importantly just good people in general who knows the duty of helping our fellow brothers and sisters ❤ #IMPACTors #IMPACTxp

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