Nicholas Whithorn  Profile picture
Legal Translator, University Lecturer and Translation Researcher specialising in antimafia terminology. Mafia Chronicles:

Dec 13, 2021, 14 tweets

It's that time of year again, when 'Il Sole 24 Ore' (Italian equivalent to the Financial Times) publishes its annual Quality of Life Table for Italy's 107 Provinces. As usual, top ten all in the north, bottom ten all in the south. It's all so bloody depressing [Thread] >> 1

Top ten:
1. Trieste
2. Milan
3. Trento
4. Aosta
5. Bolzano
6. Bologna
7. Pordenone
8. Verona
9. Udine
10. Treviso

Bottom ten:
98. Siracusa
99. Taranto
100. Caserta
101. Reggio Calabria
102. Catania
103. Caltanissetta
104. Vibo Valentia
105. Trapani
106. Foggia
107. Crotone
>> 2

That means the top ten includes:
3 from Friuli Venezia Giulia;
2 from Trentino Alto Adige;
2 from Veneto;
1 from Lombardia;
1 from Emilia Romagna;
1 from Valle d'Aosta.

Bottom ten includes:
4 from Sicily;
3 from Calabria;
2 from Puglia;
1 from Campania.
>> 3

So, just to demonstrate that life in the south is not all doom and gloom, here are some images from the 10 provinces with the worst quality of life >> 4

98. Siracusa
>> 5

99. Taranto
>> 6

100. Caserta
>> 7

101. Reggio Calabria
>> 8

102. Catania
>> 9

103. Caltanissetta
>> 10

104. Vibo Valentia
>> 11

105. Trapani
>> 12

106. Foggia
13 >>

107. Crotone
// 14

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