Aneesh Gokhale Profile picture
Author, 'Battles of the Maratha Empire' ' and 'Lachit - The Indomitable' (formerly Brahmaputra) Sometimes a sailor too.

Dec 13, 2021, 16 tweets

This so called historian, always dwelling in the forest of ignorance with regards to Maratha history has provided us another example.

Chhatrapati Shivaji can belong to any caste, he would still be mleccha kshay dikshit and his greatness undimmed.

Still coming to the question at hand

Here is Shahji Raje before the time of Chhatrapati Shivaji.

Gagabhatt was a MARATHI BRAHMIN.

Here. He lived in Kashi but was not a north Indian Brahmin.

Where exactly did Rajputs view Shivaji Maharaj as uncouth ?

Mughal durbaris such as Saqi Mustad Khan viewed him as uncouth as we can see in next tweet.

From Maasir e Alamgiri , a contemporary source.

But how narrative can be sold if Persian loving Mughals are found writing this language ?

As far as opposition was concerned, this was due to a prevailing theological view among a SECTION of the population - that only Brahmins and Shudras remained in the world.

This thought was prevalent mainly in Maharashtra and South.

But Shahji Raje did not believe this.

This thought process was absent in North India, and Gagabhatt proved the validity of Chhatrapati Shivaji's claim.

The bone of contention was being an Abhishikta Raja - someone equivalent to God, who then had the authority to impose the law on everyone including Brahmins.

This is what Gagabhatt facilitated.

Anyhow, Chhatrapati Shivaji was a product of his times and caste differences did exist.

But they had their priorities clear.

Let us for a moment assume the caste assumption is correct.

Trushke has proved that upward caste mobility was possible and was carried out.

Thanks 😌👍🏻

Moropant Pingale a Brahmin and Baji Prabhu Deshpande - A Kayasth, both served Chhatrapati Shivaji with unfliching devotion.

The latter, as Watandar of the Rohida valley, could have easily opted out on caste grounds.

Murarbaji Deshpande is another example.

By taking the coronation of Chhatrapati Shivaji as a " Caste promotion excercise " , so called historian displays the same clueless attitude towards the Rajabhishek as Europeans of yore who merely witnessed the ceremony, with no idea about its significance.

The Rajabhishek gave Chhatrapati Shivaji legitimacy to rule over his clan members belonging to the same caste as well as Kayasthas and Brahmins belonging to higher caste.

Just like the Constitution of India gives the Prime Minister legitimacy.

This entire work called Radha Madhav Vilaschampu was compiled between शके 1575 and 1580.

Corresponds to 1653 to 1658 in Julian.

Chhatrapati Shivaji's coronation was 16 years away.

BTW, did she ever tell you that on the ascent of every Mughal - the Khutbah was recited from all the principal mosques in the realm?

Consisted of invoking Allah, Prophet Mohammad, the first four Caliphs followed by the new Takht Nashin ruler.

That was the Mughal coronation.

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