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Dec 14, 2021, 12 tweets

1/ Thread: Deep Dives in 2022

I just closed the poll for deep dives in 2022. Some tight calls there, and some interesting data points about my subscribers.

Let me share the poll results in this thread.

2/ My email for the poll went out to ~800 annual subscribers. Open rate for the email was 71.4% and 298 participated in the poll. Pretty decent participation.

3/ Subscriber base for MBI Deep Dives is almost equally divided between individual investors and professional investors.

It's challenging to write for an audience with this level of diversity, but I relish it every month!

4/ ~80% of my subscribers came to know about MBI Deep Dives from twitter. Thank you, fintwit. 😍

5/ From large cap tech, the three that got the most votes: $ADBE, $ABNB, $CRM

6/ From SaaS, $TWLO, $NET, and $DDOG got the most votes. $TEAM was *this* close.

7/ The "fallen angel" I will do a deep dive next year is $PINS.

8/ From the compounder camp, I'll cover $CSU and $DHR.

$TDG missed by a few votes. Maybe in 2023...

9/ This one was pretty close. From the payments complex, I'll look at $ADYEY and $PYPL.

10/ Finally, from crypto, it's going to be Ethereum. A bit surprised by the difference of the votes on this one.

11/ "How likely are you to recommend MBI Deep Dives to your friends or colleagues?"

The score is decent, but my South Asian genes tempt me to consider this a barely passing grade. Thankfully, I have all the time to improve over time.

End/ I'm publishing $SPOT deep dive on Wednesday this week. Never had as much fun working on a deep dive as I did on Spotify.

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