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Dec 14, 2021, 9 tweets

🏙️Of the four archetypes of urban femininity that were offered in Sex and the City, Cynthia Nixon’s ambitious, independent, morally upright Miranda Hobbes is the character that has aged best

Nixon talks to @telegraphstella 👇…

🗣️‘A lot of the things that Miranda harped on about, in a slightly Cassandra-like way, the culture has now come around to,’ says Cynthia

📸 Jody Rojac…

📺 ‘I think women who were fans of the show when they were younger were more into the fashion and the antics, but actually now that they are growing into themselves they find that they have more in common with Miranda’ says Nixon…

➡️Cynthia is unusual, as an actor, because her life is actually more interesting than many of the parts she plays.

In her 40s, she segued from a heterosexual partnership to a high-profile same-sex marriage, and she has recently been navigating her eldest child’s trans journey

She is also a liberal activist, and in 2018 ran for New York State governor.

🪧 She lost, but her campaign precipitated much positive change

📺 It is no surprise, therefore, that she had some provisos before agreeing to revisit Sex and the City

'When we were talking about doing this new series, I was sceptical that we were going to be able to transform it enough.’

'we now have this expanded, more diverse cast.’

📺The show also explores what it means to be a woman in your 50s in the modern world.

‘Charlotte is in full bloom, all of the things she wanted in life are in fruition, and the same is true of Carrie. Miranda has had a little more of a sea change’…

Another change is the absence of Kim Cattrall’s character Samantha Jones, the indomitable sexual adventurer.

🗣️‘I don’t think there was any attempt made, nor should there have been, to replace that character and the space that she took up’ says Cynthia

‘If I had to define #AndJustLikeThat what I would say is, your life is going along and you have gotten to a certain point and you think you know what your life is, and something comes along completely out of left field'

Read the full interview 👇…

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