David Wilding 💙 Profile picture
not a real doctor, just initials; sorry to disappoint. Planning @TwitterUK, infrequent #BlanketyBlank host. Be excellent to each other. He/Him #WolvesAyWe

Dec 14, 2021, 12 tweets

Really good @Baddiel doc last night wasn’t it?

I’ve been thinking about his comment about how Twitter can feel like Russian Roulette. I get it but there are SO many ways you can reduce the chance of getting a bullet and just enjoy the good stuff.

So... . a short thread (sorry)

1. Block.

Mark says it better than me here.

People sometimes feel bad about this and say “oh, echo chamber” but honestly you won’t regret blocking people who are just out to gas light and bullshit. The rest of us are lovely.

2. Mute.

It’s a soft block. People won’t know they’re muted and can still see your Tweets but you don’t have to read their stuff. Lovely.

3. Mute Words.

Add any words, tropes, insults, or words and topics that you’d simply prefer not to see.

Muted words won’t show up on your feed or in your notifications.

You can use this to avoid spoilers too (#Succession anyone?)

4. Filter Trends.

Did you know that if you see a Trend you’re not interested in or would rather not see in your “Trends for you” tab that you can click on the 3 dots next to it to make it go away?

5. Control replies.

You can choose to restrict the people who can reply to your Tweets to only the people you already follow if you want to.

6. Hide replies.

If you get a reply that’s abusive, spammy or irrelevant you can choose to hide it so that it doesn’t show under your Tweet.

7. Filter & mute notifications

This is a biggy. Not enough people choose to do it.
If you have quite a lot of followers it’s a potential game changer. Choose not to receive notifications from certain types of accounts.

8. DM filters.

Keep them open to receive DMs from anyone or restrict them to just allow DMs from the people you follow to prevent unsolicited DMs.

A lot of these things happen automatically with “Safety Mode” which is being tested at the moment. More details on that here if you’re interested.

(and if you think you should be on the trial drop me a DM and I can try to help)


TLDR: Not every Tweet and every Tweeter is worthy of your time and energy.

But as @Baddiel said at the end of his doc, the quiet minority are brilliant.

Hopefully there's a few things here to help you see more radiators and fewer drains.


Quiet majority. I meant majority not minority.

No I’m not doing it again.

Yes there should be an edit button. 🤦‍♂️

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