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If it disagrees with the expert, it’s wrong. In that simple statement is the key to consensus. https://t.co/MYLncQl3Uh

Dec 14, 2021, 7 tweets

1/ Another broken Covid claim.

Work done by @USMortality 😎

I just plot it here on a map. Same scale as my maps for Europe.

Note the he uses a German std. population (2020) while me ESP2013 or NL2011.

The timeframe is week 1 - current week 50 fro all years.

2/ Animated version.

The mortality in the east, is nothing new. The low vaccination rate has little to do with a problem that is seen 2016-2019 aswell.

Try with obesity/smoking maps to understand the issue...πŸ˜‰

3/ Here the full year data up to 2020.

What do we see: not getting vaccinated in 2021 already increased death rate in 2016-2019.

Magic time machine? πŸ˜€

No: the root cause for E-W, N-S mortality disparity has a different root cause than vaccines. Lifestyle, wealth,...

4/ Here it comes. The DE obesity map (2017) next to it on the right.

Can you see it? Berlin also shining green in the middle of unhealthiest (maybe result of poverty).

5/ Here is the correlation with % obesity in Germany.

Do we have correlation? And could it be causality as it happens every year and in every country?

I would say so.

6/ All years in one plot: The trend seems to worsen over the years. We may need more years to tell...

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