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If it disagrees with the expert, it’s wrong. In that simple statement is the key to consensus. https://t.co/MYLncQl3Uh
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Feb 13 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
This account has "uncovered" urban heat in megacities and WMO Cat5 stations.

In Dublin (@connolly_s), a mere 10km walk separates one city 🟥 showing doom of global warming, from the airport 🟩that isn't showing it.

Such are the marvels of climate 'science'. Image H/t @Dodders75 for ecad link. Why isn't all data for Valentia displayed? It's one of the best rural time series.

From raw data (@MetEireann) on top, and below, the subpar tool graph. We see a classic: develop SW tools nobody uses 👉 get low/no quality.

Feb 7 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
1/ Let's check real measurements. GHCNv4 stations that continuously operated 1900JAN-2025JAN.

ERA5 (weather model) shows warming were least stations can constrain it. Warming doesn't like places with real stations? Avoiding measurements? We have noticed this previously. Image 2/ The ERA5 model's +1.75°C anomaly aligns with megacity 'BU' levels—the top curve. Absurd and exposing the ERA5 reanalysis (weather model and not data) as non credible. Real, unbiased historical stations in non-urban areas show a very cold January. Image
Nov 11, 2024 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
1/ Deutschland, die Energienarren der Welt: Thread.

Hier ist die Preiskurve (31 Tage, stündlich). Kaufe teuer, verkaufe billig. Bottom Nailers (oder auch Narren). Angeblich importieren sie, weil es billiger ist? Nein. Die Sonne scheint eben nicht nachts. Image 2/ Quelle: Agora Energiewende – de facto der Familienbetrieb der Grünen. Man sieht sofort, was los ist: Deutschland, auf einem Irrweg, in bestem Stil echter Narren. Verkaufen billig, kaufen teuer, alles im Namen der „Rettung“. Klar, wer nachts Sonne braucht, zahlt eben drauf. Image
Oct 7, 2024 • 32 tweets • 20 min read
1/ The use of the BI (bigness index) to classify rural/urban areas is flawed. Landsat-derived GHSL BU (Global Human Settlement Layer Built-Up) data shows the rural curve (in green 🟩) consistently trailing the urbanized GHSL BU data (10% BU = typically for small towns 🟧). Image 2/ The Bigness Index (BI) is not only a poor parameter but outdated. Even Kabul Airport shows up with BI=0.

Shown below: GHCN stations labeled BI=0, highlighting those with 2% đźź  and 10% đź”´ built-up areas in 2020 (from the EU-GHSL).

Oct 1, 2024 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
1/ Climate stripes - the origins.

Can we do better than Ed Hawkins? Yes, we can.

The perfect smoothed climate stripe, maximizing color pivot for ultimate fear manipulation.

Perfection—better than the original. Or in other words: how to manipulate your mind. Image 2/ Here’s how it’s done:

1 Pick a highly urban(izing) place: Stockholm.
2 Calculate anomaly.
3 Maximize range.
4 Apply LOESS for max color pivot (=mindfuck)

Note: UHI in Stockholm is ~2°C. Never mind that—the goal is to manipulate your minds.

Sep 10, 2024 • 10 tweets • 6 min read
They're trolling / insulting. The request was clear: compare ERA5 2km / @meteoblue with @AEMET_CValencia sensor at an hourly level. If they match at night, cloudy days, winter, but the sensor shows higher T in summer clear skies / no wind / day 👉 sensor is heat-biased. So? Go. Thanks, @meteoblue. Normal conversation can be so easy. If the Spanish gentlemen would now provide access to their hourly station dataset, we can overlay it with the fine-grid ERA5 2km hourly product and see what's going on. Does that sound like a way forward @AEMET_CValencia ?

Sep 3, 2024 • 19 tweets • 8 min read
1/ Such places have no credibility for accurate bias free measurements. It's the opposite of a stable environment and per default a diesel powered urban expedition place. We see how the melting starts around the airport and the town.

How to measure? 👉 open.substack.com/pub/orwell2024…

2/ Here we see another example (Alaska). Russian high-lat regions are among the worst. It's a deception to take measurements from such places and claim that you've done 'science' while actually just picking up dirt. Why not Everest dirt basecamp next?
Jun 27, 2024 • 12 tweets • 6 min read
1/ As mentioned, Europe is too urbanized for climate measurements. Shown below is just the UHI effect. As mentioned, ANY type of urban landscape altering increases surface temperatures as well. The Netherlands and Benelux regions are all fully biased and unfit for climate science
Image 2/ As mentioned previously, North Sweden is the most credible place for climate measurements due to its development, peace, and ability to capture high-quality data. Besides Sweden, only the US provides reliable historic data. All other regions are not credible and biased today. Image
Jun 18, 2024 • 12 tweets • 5 min read
1/ Remember the scenic document from @NOAA's USCRN. All rural places without man-made objects?

It's 145 pages long, each page one station. They should ALL be there, right?

Nope. How naive to believe that it's done in good faith.

Ready? 🧵 ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/uscrn…
2/ This finding didn't emerge out of nowhere. Result of me telling @connolly_s that his detailed check of USCRN is a waste of time.

I repeated for weeks...then I swore...

They present the best only and hide urban stations. Bad faith. Consciously.

May 22, 2024 • 7 tweets • 4 min read
1/ Let's do some checks: Compare the SST data model to water (ground) truth, thermometers in the water.

The green dots are the available @CDIPBuoys, a well maintained network. Probably the best buoy network (by @USACEHQ). Haven't seen any better one.


Image 2/ Florida: the gulf area showing up red at the anomaly chart. The buoy shows nominal at average values. 25C versus +26-27C in the SST model. That's a +1C heat bias. Image
May 13, 2024 • 7 tweets • 4 min read
1/ Let's revisit this result from AIRS satellite measurements over 17 years, showing a +0.36W increase in forcing alongside a 40 ppm rise in CO2 concentration.

Does this align with the "observed" (questionable) increase in global temperature anomaly (+0.6C)?

Let’s do a check.
Image 2/The IPCC reports a calculated CO2 forcing of +0.5W, as detailed on the NOAA AGGI page, which you can find here:

The SW calculation overestimates by 40% compared to the +0.36W derived by the AIRS satellite, marking the first significant discrepancy. gml.noaa.gov/aggi/aggi.html
Apr 25, 2024 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
Imagine claiming the trial was correct, deploying it to 95% in NZ/AUT, and then—boom!—the incidence explodes instead of the virus being eliminated which should already happen at ~70% rate, and was calculated mathematically to happen based on that very promise. False. Study ➡️🚮 Moreover, mortality rises instead of falling. Who are these people still lying about its mortality effectiveness? It’s a failure, and rightfully, Pfizer's stock is plummeting. Keep grieving; won’t help. We want the money back. Those who wanted it can still buy it with own money.
Oct 9, 2023 • 23 tweets • 12 min read
1/ Important. ERA5 is a weather model, not a measurement. This summer field tests revealed: rural areas suffer heat bias due to urban heat pollution, making models/interpolations heat biased.

Here a demo that ERA5 is wrong on the tested location.

Truth ~24C. âś…
ERA5: 28C. ❌
Image 2/ This implies that all temperature aggregations in climate aggregations incorporate the heat bias prevalent in rural areas. This outcome is hardly surprising given that the majority of weather stations are situated in urban or airport environments.
Oct 1, 2023 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
Men are women.
Plants don’t need CO2.

Brought to us by the unscientific cult.

Try to grow water plants without adding CO2. Try to grow plants in a fully air sealed greenhouse. And biological men: get pregnant.

They seem to rewrite history. Removing articles. 404 not found.
Sep 11, 2023 • 12 tweets • 5 min read
1/ Let's use the linear connection between Mortality and Life expectancy to illustrate the real implications of #netzero.

Energy scarcity will escalate mortality rates as there is no such thing as low energy consumption and high life expectancy.
Image 2/Context: When aiming to determine the Age-Standardized Mortality Rate (ASMR) rather than Life Expectancy (LE), we employ a straightforward relationship:

ASMR = 90 - LE
(valid for ESP2013 population)

However, for those who find it more relevant, we can maintain the LE-CO2 Image
Sep 2, 2023 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
1/ Thanks to the Simpson’s paradox (alle age vaxx rates + all age excess) + spurious correlation (ecological fallacy), the Professor is resurfacing the manipulative fallacy from 2021.

Let’s demonstrate on pre-vaxx year 2020.
Image 2/ Just to highlight further: the vaccination rate in the age group 65+ where 99% of mortality comes from, is equivalent in almost all European countries and higher than 90%. Image
Jul 16, 2023 • 24 tweets • 13 min read
1/ Let's go to the source to demonstrate what the IR brightness temperature means and means and what it doesn't.

Shown below is the location (Spain) and day (11th July) under discussion.

~57C. So far so good. But... https://t.co/tIS2n44MYW https://t.co/USTkBQXzZAsentinelshare.page.link/EHWu

Image 2/ Let's now create a historical plot for this location and see if there's anything remarkable happening.

Well, the verdict is in: No.

Surprise, surprise. This is just how the place looks every single year. Nothing out of the ordinary here. Image
Jul 11, 2023 • 7 tweets • 6 min read
1/ Struggling to locate accurate water temperature measurements seems challenging. Every time I search, no data available.
Let's give it another shot.
promising, shall we give it a try? https://t.co/PORaFlE0Rzgcos.wmo.int/index.php/en/n…
2/ So many stations. Including ships.

One would think it should be easy to check the actual in-situ water temperature, in order to then compare with the @NOAA SST product.

But is it? https://t.co/02r45ETWv5ocean-ops.org
Jul 5, 2023 • 11 tweets • 5 min read
1/ A textbook example of urban heat.

Left: number of "heat days"
Right: urban footprints

The result is trivial. The specific heat content of urban areas is ~2-5x lower than soil, forest, water.

Numerous T stations are now nestled in urban areas, creating the "heat impact". https://t.co/T6kW8hctKN

2/ What is the average temperature here. What does it mean?

Specific heat (J/kg.°C):
concrete 879
water 4186
soil 1800
asphalt 900
sand 780
steal 470
Jun 25, 2023 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
Over 21C and 25C? That's not in line with ground truth. Sever degrees to high.

Just back. I was in the water.


Sat: https://t.co/hHycQmaWJh https://t.co/4bRw7LwfrPwaterinfo.rws.nl/#!/details/pub…
5C off. The ground is truth.
Jun 20, 2023 • 16 tweets • 8 min read
1/ Ocean temperatures. What is measured and what does it mean.

The problem with measuring sea surface temperature (SST) has several factors. The number of buoys deployed in the ocean is very limited. Satellite measurements of SST rely on clear sky and also rather limited.
2/ SST anomalies are a model. The vast portion of the ocean's area relies on guessing, not measurements. This can be observed, when examining a reading from 14th June. Valid readouts are lacking for most regions. This situation is quite typical in SST estimation processes.