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Dec 14, 2021, 6 tweets

The virgin Michael Shermer's "potential life" vs. the Chad Naomi Wolf's "Kill to Party"

I might not agree with the pro-choice people who admit they're asking for infanticide, but at least I can respect them.

Shermer and his "a fetus isn't a person" ilk are COWARDS!

I miss the 90's post-modern left. True, their jargon was frequently near-impenetrable, but were uniquely honest once you got past the obscurantism. (indeed, they only obscured BECAUSE they were honest, the modern left doesn't need to obscure because they lie)

"Rationalist" libtards might not like it, but this is what peak Enlightenment looks like.

If you would like to read one of the only honest, self-aware, and principled arguments for abortion instead of pro-choice nonsense, the source is Naomi Wolf's "Our Bodies, Our Souls" which is presently available here:…

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