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Dec 14, 2021, 9 tweets

Kakistocracy is a term that was first used in the 17th century; derived from a Greek word, it means, literally, government by the worst and most unscrupulous people among us. It is the perfect descriptor of those who lead world government.

Aggressive attempts are being made to create a global framework of control. And this isn’t fantasy. These international organizations and national administrations publish papers, coordinate their slogans, and market themselves as part of the global leadership.

The leading figures behind these organizations (Covid, Climate, Social Justice, World Health, Financial Policy, Global Corporations, Military Industrial Complex) share specific ideologies and goals. They are not representative of the regular public.

The difference between today and what happened in the past is that it isn’t a single strongman with absolute power leading all of this. This is being done by a consensus of weak men with absolute power which may be more dangerous to long term survival of the Western world.

They operate in committees, boards, and with the consensus of their weak peers so they can always shift blame and few can ever be held to account. They pass the buck when called out. They open committees to investigate committees. And they all retain their seat at the table.

By sharing blame and utilizing responsibility distribution the justifiably angered public is unable to pin anyone down by pointing a finger at the culprit. They simply say, we used the best evidence. We did this through consensus. 17 Agencies agreed. Our panel of experts agreed.

Now we have long chains of spineless bureaucrats who can point to expert consensus for everything. And by citing expert consensus they can get away with anything. Totally wrong policy, well expert consensus showed us at the time it was the best route.

Abuse of civil rights? Well, expert consensus said we should curb these rights to stave off worse outcomes. Weaker men tend to band together to avoid having an X on their backs and they circle the wagons as a herd does to avoid any outside pressure.…

It’s extremely effective for weak leaders. And it's one of the biggest issues we face in a world run by mediocre losers. We live in a Kakistocracy. We need a change. We need real leadership. And it's up to us to change it.

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