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Managing Editor @NewsBusters, Proud grad of @Penn_State & @ManheimTownship via Lancaster, PA. Caps, Nats, NASCAR, mental health, ✝️. Views = mine

Dec 14, 2021, 5 tweets

DOOCY TIME: "Why is it that there are still Americans stranded in Afghanistan?"

Psaki says that while "if there are "Americans who are in Afghanistan wanted to leave, whether was three weeks for now...back in August, we would help them," adding they've gotten 479 Americans out.

Doocy: "479 left behind is a lot higher than the 100 to 200 that President Biden was talking about at the end of August....He said that he thought that there were...100 to 200 with some intention to leave. So, how does a number--how'd you guys get the numbers?"

Doocy: "[T]here are now at least about a dozen who want to leave right now? Is this something that [Biden] works on every day?"
Psaki mocks the question by stating the U.S. doesn't "put a tracker on" people overseas & blames Americans for staying there b/c some...want to stay?

Doocy: "When you say that 'we've seen an increase in crime of the pandemic, there are range of reasons for that,' would you consider one of the reasons in the range prosecutors who are cutting people who are accused of many criminal offenses loose too quickly?"

Doocy: "There are some reports that these smash and grab robberies are being organized in social media platforms. Is the administration doing anything about that?"

Psaki: "Well, we are monitoring, of course, these thefts very closely, as we have talked about a bit in here" (5/5)

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