Manuel L. Quezon III Profile picture
Columnist .@inquirerdotnet Editor at large Views mine.

Dec 15, 2021, 10 tweets

A thread of photos, just so you get to know them a little more as real people. Josefa Llanes Escoda, Vicente Lim, and Jose Abad Santos.

Josefa Llanes Escoda's personality shines through even in black and white photos; her being suffragette, and organizer for women's groups and the Girl Scouts points to her being a charismatic leader. She's in the terno with the sunburst pattern.

One can't help but be amazed with the wide range of causes Josefa Llanes Escoda was remarkable in, from the campaign to secure women the vote, to founding the Girl Scouts, to working for poor children as in this Tondo event in 1938. She's left most in the 1st photo.

Vicente Lim gained fame as the first Filipino graduate of West Point. He was also a champion of having an honest and professional officer corps in the reborn Philippine Army. Pics: 1. In Bataan; 2. Letter to the President; 3. Captured; 4. Interrogated

A soldier's sketch of Lim as a prisoner of the Japanese. Read his last known letter to his wife:…

Jose Abad Santos was a respected Secretary of Justice, became Chief Justice, and was Acting President in unoccupied areas when he was captured.

Learn more about Josefa Llanes Escoda…

Learn more about Vicente Lim…

Learn more about Jose Abad Santos…

Learn more about the death of Abad Santos…

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