artisbrutal2021 Profile picture
Senecio art, illusion and theatre of the absurd

Dec 15, 2021, 13 tweets

"During World War II, for example, Allied forces conducted a massive misinformation campaign, called Operation Fortitude.. In 2002, the Pentagon shuttered its brand new Office of Strategic Influence "

OSS 🧵..…
Planning of Operation Fortitude came under the auspices of the London Controlling Section (LCS)..

> Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (#SHAEF) under General Dwight Eisenhower.

SHAEF patch…

" The flaming sword of freedom cuts the black of the Nazi night over Europe and points the way to the final rainbow of peace and liberty. The #rainbow is made up of the colors of the Allied nations"

Website on "Psychological Warfare ,Psychological Operations, and Information Operations" currently offline but wayback machine :…

From Operation Nightingale to Rainbows for NHS Nightingale hospitals

where a marriage is formed between the military and the health services in the UK ..……

The Americans did the same with USNS Mercy and USNS Comfort ..

2 navy ships/hospitals docked at New York & LA to treat the tsunami of #COVID19 patients that never materialized ..

However those ships were/are known to some of us for other reasons..

The NHS Rainbow Badge was pioneered by Dr Michael Farquhar, a consultant at Evelina London Children’s Hospital, the first Trust in England to introduce the scheme.…

Lord Stanley Fink - President of Evelina Children's Hospital #ARK

I'll get into the Order of Malta later as it's very much related to Epstein's Lifeboat Foundation..

but more context is needed first, for people to really grasp what is going on..

Before I move on I just noticed in that 🧵w/ Lord Fink and #ARK , mention of Joel Cadbury , Groucho Club owner..

I only mentioned Joel Cadbury 3 days ago in relation to Matt Hancock and the opening of the company KidZania - HQ in Cuajimalpa, Mexico ..


A very interesting article here on Lord Fink , ARK and the Brain Research Trust

And while we are on the subject of the military-framing of our world and the use of the #rainbow symbols in a number of contexts .. we can also contemplate on the framing of rainbow children..

I think I've fallen down a couple more rabbitholes .. always happens when I do these threads..

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