Wes Finalle Profile picture

Dec 15, 2021, 6 tweets

Look at the timing!

Why are the horrific details of this individual's crimes being broadcast days after his arrest?

To make #GhislaineMaxwell look less evil?

You bet! That's how the slimeballs @TheJusticeDept protect their child diddler friends in high places!


They've redacted the majority of the Epstein Wexner Maxwell MegaGroup child sex Traffickers

Why? To protect top tier child predators

#EpsteinCoverup #GhislaineMaxwell #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #MaxwellTrial #MaxwellTrialTracker #EvilJustice #EvilFBI

What's on the hidden #EvilFBI records?

Three decades of decadence, child rape, torture, kidnapping...

Epstein Wexner Maxwell MegaGroup Child Sex Traffickers

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