COVID-19 Actuaries Response Group Profile picture
Continuing to share regular data and analysis on excess mortality and hospital admissions with Covid-19. Run by volunteers.

Dec 15, 2021, 5 tweets

Latest data on COVID-19 hospital admissions, occupancy and deaths in England has been released.

Starting with the regional picture this week as there has been a rapid acceleration in London with admissions up by 38% week-on-week. Increases are much more gradual elsewhere. 1/5

For England as a whole, COVID-19 hospital admissions are up by 10% this week, largely driven by the big increase in London.

SAGE released new modelling provided by SPI-M-O teams in October. Actual hospital admissions are currently higher than the modelled scenarios, which did not capture the increase in admissions in October. Admissions are no longer following the downward trajectory modelled. 3/5

COVID-19 hospital bed occupancy in England is back up to around 6,400 beds occupied. Mechanical Ventilation bed occupancy is up by 1% week-on-week, while other bed occupancy is up by 6%. 4/5

COVID-19 deaths in English hospitals have fallen by 9% week on week but there is no clear recent pattern with numbers fairly flat since mid November.

Purple estimates are based on the pattern of reporting delays in the last two months. 5/5

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