Ford Fischer Profile picture
Primary source documentarian. Work in Oscar, Emmy & Golden Globe winning films. Editor-in-chief @n2sreports. Video available to license

Dec 15, 2021, 8 tweets

NEW: I have obtained another independent videographer's complete recording of January 6 at the United States Capitol.

Later this afternoon, I'll be publishing all of the roughly 33 minutes of footage taken by @Paulisconi. Stand by.

These are the first 2 mins of footage shot by @Paulisconi on January 6.

He approaches the east side entrance and goes up the stairs, where the doors have already been breached.

Some Oath Keepers stand outside.

Note: It appears the mic he plugged into didn't work, so no audio.

On the east entrance, @Paulisconi's (audio-less) footage shows the fighting as police struggled to regain control from the crowd, both using riot weapons and attempting to calm them.

I've quote-tweeted my own shot from about the same time below.

Footage by @Paulisconi then shows officers manage to mace the crowd around the door to buy just enough time to close the east entrance successfully.

Here's something interesting: I left this area around that time, but @Paulisconi stayed.

Regrettably, his mic failed, but what he explains is that Trumpers here tried (and failed) to convince the police through door to abandon their post and let them back in at east entrance.

When @Paulisconi leaves the East Capitol steps, his microphone unplugs, which seems to enable one of the only moments of his footage with sound as he walks past blood on ground level.

Finally, he then gets a continuous (again, soundless) shot of police clearing the West Capitol grounds as the sun set.

Again, I've quote-tweeted my own footage for reference below.

Here is the full, uncut footage by @Paulisconi at the Capitol on January 6.

All footage with @N2Sreports available to license.

I'd strongly note that the lack of audio may be frustrating, but the video could be highly useful synced with other works.

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