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Dec 16, 2021, 5 tweets

๐Ÿ†• Global Competency Standards for #HealthWorkers will provide quality, culturally sensitive care to migrants and refugees, a ๐Ÿ”‘ step towards achieving #HealthForAll, including for people on the move.


#HealthForAll requires:
โœ… health systems to include migrants and refugees
โœ… #HealthWorkers able to provide people-centred, culturally sensitive care that is respectful of a personโ€™s cultural, religious, and linguistic needs


Culturally sensitive care builds trust. It means #Healthworkers are trained to understand the needs of migrants and refugees.


Communication barriers between #HealthWorkers and migrants and refugees may have an impact on a personโ€™s full understanding of healthcare interactions, limiting their access to health information and quality care.


To better care for migrants & refugees, #HealthWorkers need support, resources, & equipment to be able to address culture, beliefs, values, & biases as well as institutional discrimination.


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