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Dec 16, 2021, 7 tweets

Let’s face it—the holidays can be stressful. Give a gift that shows your loved ones that you care about them and their well-being. If you buy something using our links, WIRED may earn a commission. wired.trib.al/rHxtca8 1/7

The Lurera Anti-Anxiety Pillow isn't a cure for anxiety, but it offers soft support. It feels almost as nice as a real, warm hug when you really need one. wired.trib.al/6OZ2NJM 📸: Lurera 2/7

Sometimes dreams seem random and pointless, but the Dreams Box breaks it all down. It comes with a deck of dream cards and a guidebook to interpreting, and even possibly controlling, your dreams. wired.trib.al/lMbBmhW 📸: Amazon 3/7

If you know someone with outdoor access, a hammock with a sturdy stand is a great gift for relaxing in the sun. This one from Best Choice Products is usually only $80, and it's incredibly comfy. wired.trib.al/YiuIBsf 📸: Walmart 4/7

If your dog or cat needs a relaxing gift, try this bed. PetFusion’s are thoughtfully designed and tend to hold up to the wear and tear that animals put them through. The bed is made for kneading and burrowing, with a soft blanket-like cover. wired.trib.al/2DqP33W 📸: Amazon 5/7

People either love or hate weighted blankets. If you love them, lying under one feels like you’re being held, and they make great gifts. Yaasa's blanket is chunky, gorgeous, and rigid—in a good way—so it stays put. wired.trib.al/rHxtca8 6/7

Subscribe to WIRED for just $5 and get unlimited access to our longform features, buying guides, and tech news. wired.trib.al/RzetCkJ 7/7

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