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Dec 17, 2021, 30 tweets

The Liberal Democrats have pulled off an extraordinary victory in North Shropshire - read our full report…

In her victory speech, Helen Morgan said: "Boris Johnson, the party is over".

Follow the latest news and reaction in our live blog 👇…

Has the PM cost the Tories the seat?

Layla Moran, the Lib Dem MP for Oxford West and Abingdon, said: "The overriding sense is that many Conservative voters just don't like him."

Get the latest reaction in our live blog 👇…

💨 Tory candidate Neil Shastri-Hurst has been spotted making a hasty exit this morning

Follow the latest reaction to the disaster for his party in our live blog ⬇️…

🔴Mr Shastri-Hurst told reporters: "Clearly it was a disappointing result", however he added that the Tories ran "a positive campaign" which he was "proud" of.

He said the party would now "sit back and take stock".

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🗣️"No 10 is creating a nightly soap opera of calamity and chaos", said Helen Morgan in her North Shropshire by-election victory speech

Read the speech in full 👇…

📅The North Shropshire seat has returned a Conservative MP since 1830.

"In rural Shropshire today – just like in Buckinghamshire in June – we have won the support of people who have always voted Conservative" said Helen Morgan…

🗣️"Our country is crying out for leadership. Mr Johnson you are no leader" said Helen Morgan in her victory speech

Follow the latest reaction from North Shropshire 👇…

🗳️Voters in North Shropshire were "fed up and gave us a kicking", the Conservative Party co-chairman has said.

Oliver Dowden said: "They wanted to send us a message, and we have heard that loud and clear."…

🗳️The voting figures from North Shropshire:

🟡Helen Morgan - 17,957
🔵Neil Shastri-Hurst - 12,032
🔴Ben Wood - 3,686

This gave the Lib Dems a majority of 5,925…

🗣️The loss of North Shropshire should be seen as a "referendum" on Boris Johnson's premiership, a veteran Conservative MP has said…

📊North Shropshire swing 'one of top 10 biggest in history'

The latest from our political editor @benrileysmith 👇

A minister has conceded that voters are "fed up with the stories going on at the moment", as he acknowledged the toll taken on the Tories by allegations about Christmas parties…

❓How serious is the leadership threat now to Boris Johnson?

"This is not a good morning for the Prime Minister, there is no doubt about that" writes @benrileysmith

Read the latest analysis 👇…

🗳️Conservative MPs will be "very alarmed" by the historic upset in North Shropshire, Sir Ed Davey has said.

"Frankly I think the people of North Shropshire have sent in a letter of no confidence in Boris Johnson to the Conservative's 1922 Committee"…

"For a party that harbours desires of seismic victories across marginal seats at the next election, the Lib Dems are embarrassingly bereft of political purpose" | Writes @BenObeseJecty…

The problems facing the Conservatives are "largely due to the way Boris Johnson runs his Government", the former chief of staff for Theresa May has said…

🔴The North Shropshire by-election result does not amount to a "sea change" in British politics, a minister has insisted

"The figures might beg to differ" writes @CatNeilan on our @TelePolitics live blog 👇…

The "core" of the Conservative Party "never liked" Boris Johnson - and are poised to pull their conditional support from the Prime Minister, a senior backbencher has said…

📨"It would be foolish and premature for Tory MPs to start sending letters of no confidence in the Prime Minister to the chair of the 1922 Committee based on last night’s result" | Writes @MrTCHarris…

❓Who could replace the PM?

Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss are the names that tends to be first on people's lips

Read all the analysis on our @TelePolitics live blog 👇…

🗣️ "I think that the Prime Minister is now in 'last orders' time...One more strike and he's out"

In the wake of the by-election result, Tory MPs have expressed their anger and disappointment 👇…

"That voters have not abandoned conservativism; rather that they are protesting that the Conservative party has itself abandoned conservativism" | Writes @RossjournoClark…

"Somehow, in a matter of a few weeks, the government had managed to extinguish virtually all of the credit for its successful early vaccine rollout" | Writes Janet Daley…

📊 North Shropshire by-election is the second biggest change for an incumbent party since 1979.

Follow the latest analysis 👇…

"This morning, as Boris Johnson's MPs absorb the disastrous result of the North Shropshire by-election, they are weighing up a simple equation - is he still an electoral asset, or is he now a liability?"

Read @gordonrayner's analysis 👇…

📉The swing of 34.1% in North Shropshire is the third-worst the Conservatives have ever suffered…

📸Lib Dems go into visual metaphor overload

"Tim Farron had a big blue balloon with 'Boris' Bubble' written on it - which the new MP for North Shropshire, Helen Morgan, proceeded to burst..."…

🔴NEW: Boris Johnson has said he takes "personal responsibility" for the by-election result in North Shropshire, after the Conservatives lost their seat in an extraordinary swing to the Liberal Democrats

Read more ⬇️…

'While the Liberal Democrats' victory in North Shropshire was a shock for the political set, it was a different story for many locals'

@h_chandlerwilde reports from North Shropshire 👇…

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