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Dec 17, 2021, 44 tweets

@srenee_24 @markjohnt3 @ACNickel @fi_poodle @GetrealTwo @supersleuthgrl @justforfun1328 @imOnlyWebDevvin @TrinityAndNeo3 @thedailybeast @DonaldJTrumpJr @MarkMeadows I provided you a link to Hettena's thread on his FOIA lawsuit regarding Trump's interactions with a Russian mobster.
The case is too complex to be understood with a single quote.
In that case the FBI withheld records about Trump under Exemption 7(d) & 7(E).courtlistener.com/docket/1494198…

@srenee_24 @markjohnt3 @ACNickel @fi_poodle @GetrealTwo @supersleuthgrl @justforfun1328 @imOnlyWebDevvin @TrinityAndNeo3 @thedailybeast @DonaldJTrumpJr @MarkMeadows 2 entitites are named in the case, Donald J. Trump & the Trump Organization. Exemption 7(d) (protection of law enforcement sources) cannot be used to protect the identity of a corporation only an individual.
So it can only apply to Trump in this court case.

@srenee_24 @markjohnt3 @ACNickel @fi_poodle @GetrealTwo @supersleuthgrl @justforfun1328 @imOnlyWebDevvin @TrinityAndNeo3 @thedailybeast @DonaldJTrumpJr @MarkMeadows Hettena argued that the FBI memo you ignored had already confirmed that Trump was a source & that FBI was using his casino in Atlantic City as a honey trap for mobsters.
So since FBI had already publicly confirmed Trump was an FBI asset that DOJ could not use Exception 7(d).

@srenee_24 @markjohnt3 @ACNickel @fi_poodle @GetrealTwo @supersleuthgrl @justforfun1328 @imOnlyWebDevvin @TrinityAndNeo3 @thedailybeast @DonaldJTrumpJr @MarkMeadows That by disclosing that Trump was an FBI source in the previous memorandum, FBI had no grounds to hide documents about Trump's interactions with a mobster by claiming it would reveal that Trump was an FBI asset. The FBI had already revealed that information.

@srenee_24 @markjohnt3 @ACNickel @fi_poodle @GetrealTwo @supersleuthgrl @justforfun1328 @imOnlyWebDevvin @TrinityAndNeo3 @thedailybeast @DonaldJTrumpJr @MarkMeadows So it is clearly laid out in a court of law that Trump is an FBI asset. And that FBI documents have publicly confirmed that status.

@srenee_24 @markjohnt3 @ACNickel @fi_poodle @GetrealTwo @supersleuthgrl @justforfun1328 @imOnlyWebDevvin @TrinityAndNeo3 @thedailybeast @DonaldJTrumpJr @MarkMeadows Accepted fact in the case that the FBI memo shows that Trump was cooperating with the FBI & using his casino to conduct operations against organized crime figures.
Demanding DOJ expose Trump further based upon 1 FBI confirmation that Trump was their asset.

@srenee_24 @markjohnt3 @ACNickel @fi_poodle @GetrealTwo @supersleuthgrl @justforfun1328 @imOnlyWebDevvin @TrinityAndNeo3 @thedailybeast @DonaldJTrumpJr @MarkMeadows Hettena lost the suit to get his documents?
Why? The judge ruled that pubicly releasing documents showing that Trump is an FBI asset in one case at his casino, does not require FBI to confirm that he is an asset at other cases in his casino.

@srenee_24 @markjohnt3 @ACNickel @fi_poodle @GetrealTwo @supersleuthgrl @justforfun1328 @imOnlyWebDevvin @TrinityAndNeo3 @thedailybeast @DonaldJTrumpJr @MarkMeadows The court found based upon DOJ's assertions (some are under seal) that the individual (Trump) serving as an FBI source had assurances of confidentiality to their FBI cooperation "regarding Russian Organized Crime..."

@srenee_24 @markjohnt3 @ACNickel @fi_poodle @GetrealTwo @supersleuthgrl @justforfun1328 @imOnlyWebDevvin @TrinityAndNeo3 @thedailybeast @DonaldJTrumpJr @MarkMeadows Only one individual's records are sought, Donald J. Trump.
DOJ told the court that this individual was specifically cooperating with the FBI to stop Russian Organized Crime.

That is an official judicial ruling that Trump was an FBI asset working against the Russians!

@srenee_24 @markjohnt3 @ACNickel @fi_poodle @GetrealTwo @supersleuthgrl @justforfun1328 @imOnlyWebDevvin @TrinityAndNeo3 @thedailybeast @DonaldJTrumpJr @MarkMeadows The judge then addressed the 1981 FBI memo confirming Trump's cooperation with FBI to staff his casinos with FBI informants & agents to run stings on organized crime figures.

@srenee_24 @markjohnt3 @ACNickel @fi_poodle @GetrealTwo @supersleuthgrl @justforfun1328 @imOnlyWebDevvin @TrinityAndNeo3 @thedailybeast @DonaldJTrumpJr @MarkMeadows The judge ruled that the DOJ confirmed that it was not withholding information to protect the identify of the organization named in the FOIA suit (Trump Organization) but the individual named in the FOIA suit (President Trump).

@srenee_24 @markjohnt3 @ACNickel @fi_poodle @GetrealTwo @supersleuthgrl @justforfun1328 @imOnlyWebDevvin @TrinityAndNeo3 @thedailybeast @DonaldJTrumpJr @MarkMeadows The DOJ then provided a Glomar Response to the question of whether Trump is an FBI asset.
They will neither confirm nor deny it in this case!

@srenee_24 @markjohnt3 @ACNickel @fi_poodle @GetrealTwo @supersleuthgrl @justforfun1328 @imOnlyWebDevvin @TrinityAndNeo3 @thedailybeast @DonaldJTrumpJr @MarkMeadows This is hedged to avoid revealing that source, but implies that DOJ is arguing that releasing a memo confirming Trump & the FBI were using Taj Mahal Casino to run stings against the Italian mafia, does not require FBI to confirm they were running stings against the Russian mafia.

@srenee_24 @markjohnt3 @ACNickel @fi_poodle @GetrealTwo @supersleuthgrl @justforfun1328 @imOnlyWebDevvin @TrinityAndNeo3 @thedailybeast @DonaldJTrumpJr @MarkMeadows So @srenee_24 does a court declaring that FBI can conceal records about Donald J. Trump's cooperation with the FBI under FOIA exemption 7(d) to protect his cooperation against the Russian mob, even though FBI has confirmed his cooperation against the Italian mob mean anything?

@srenee_24 @markjohnt3 @ACNickel @fi_poodle @GetrealTwo @supersleuthgrl @justforfun1328 @imOnlyWebDevvin @TrinityAndNeo3 @thedailybeast @DonaldJTrumpJr @MarkMeadows I decided to sign up for PACER to access the documents that are not on the public side (but nto sealed).
Looking at Seidel's declaration on why DOJ is using FOIA exemptions to protect the source helping FBI with "conducting a lawful national security intelligence investigation".

@srenee_24 @markjohnt3 @ACNickel @fi_poodle @GetrealTwo @supersleuthgrl @justforfun1328 @imOnlyWebDevvin @TrinityAndNeo3 @thedailybeast @DonaldJTrumpJr @MarkMeadows Hettena was asking FBI to confirm that Donald J. Trump is an FBI asset. FBI refuses to answer the question on the grounds that it might expose an FBI source (Glomar).

If he were not, they could answer it no...

@srenee_24 @markjohnt3 @ACNickel @fi_poodle @GetrealTwo @supersleuthgrl @justforfun1328 @imOnlyWebDevvin @TrinityAndNeo3 @thedailybeast @DonaldJTrumpJr @MarkMeadows DOJ claims that the FBI memo showing Trump agreed to be an FBI informant was released under FOIA & should not be considered an official acknowledgement that Trump is an FBI asset in other cases.

@srenee_24 @markjohnt3 @ACNickel @fi_poodle @GetrealTwo @supersleuthgrl @justforfun1328 @imOnlyWebDevvin @TrinityAndNeo3 @thedailybeast @DonaldJTrumpJr @MarkMeadows This is an interesting fact.
According to Buzzfeed, this was released as FOIA to the SmokingGun during the mid-90s. But DOJ says it can't confirm it was officially released by FOIA...

Bad records or was it an unauthorized release by Clinton's DOJ to warn mobsters about Trump?

@srenee_24 @markjohnt3 @ACNickel @fi_poodle @GetrealTwo @supersleuthgrl @justforfun1328 @imOnlyWebDevvin @TrinityAndNeo3 @thedailybeast @DonaldJTrumpJr @MarkMeadows So DOJ will not answer if the 80 pages of documents about Trump's interactions with a Russian mobster are being withheld because Trump was the informant in question. But if he wasn't then the docs about Trump wouldn't need withheld...

@srenee_24 @markjohnt3 @ACNickel @fi_poodle @GetrealTwo @supersleuthgrl @justforfun1328 @imOnlyWebDevvin @TrinityAndNeo3 @thedailybeast @DonaldJTrumpJr @MarkMeadows The documents about Donald J. Trump & the Trump Organization are all being withheld to protect the privacy & FBI cooperation of an individual.
An individual that is an FBI asset under 7(d).
FBI won't confirm that individual is only individual whose records are sought!

@srenee_24 @markjohnt3 @ACNickel @fi_poodle @GetrealTwo @supersleuthgrl @justforfun1328 @imOnlyWebDevvin @TrinityAndNeo3 @thedailybeast @DonaldJTrumpJr @MarkMeadows On to the DOJ reply that lead the judge to dismiss the FOIA law suit.
Hettan's lawyers alleged that FBI was withholding records based on an "implied assurance of confidentiality" & DOJ's response is interesting.

@srenee_24 @markjohnt3 @ACNickel @fi_poodle @GetrealTwo @supersleuthgrl @justforfun1328 @imOnlyWebDevvin @TrinityAndNeo3 @thedailybeast @DonaldJTrumpJr @MarkMeadows The FBI is withhold info under 7(d) to maintain confidentiality.
But DOJ says that it is not based upon "implied assurance of confidentiality."
Does that mean that Trump & Trump Org have a binding assurance of confidentiality?
Is their agreement in writing?

@srenee_24 @markjohnt3 @ACNickel @fi_poodle @GetrealTwo @supersleuthgrl @justforfun1328 @imOnlyWebDevvin @TrinityAndNeo3 @thedailybeast @DonaldJTrumpJr @MarkMeadows DOJ again claiming that the FOIA release of the Trump FBI cooperation memo was not authorized or inviolation of FBI/DOJ policy for protecting sources.
Not the 1st time, in the 80s, someone at FBI leaked that Trump's fixer's office (Cohn) was bugged to catch his mobster contacts.

@srenee_24 @markjohnt3 @ACNickel @fi_poodle @GetrealTwo @supersleuthgrl @justforfun1328 @imOnlyWebDevvin @TrinityAndNeo3 @thedailybeast @DonaldJTrumpJr @MarkMeadows Interesting confirmation!
FBI did not withhold records mentioning the Trump Org. under privacy protections in FOIA.
Unsaid, but that means they were withheld under Exemption 7(d), protecting FBI sources, so the organization is a protected source...

@srenee_24 @markjohnt3 @ACNickel @fi_poodle @GetrealTwo @supersleuthgrl @justforfun1328 @imOnlyWebDevvin @TrinityAndNeo3 @thedailybeast @DonaldJTrumpJr @MarkMeadows Records related to Donald J. Trump were not withheld based upon an "implied assurance of confidentiality."

Which means the source has a formal assurance of confidentiality!

@srenee_24 @markjohnt3 @ACNickel @fi_poodle @GetrealTwo @supersleuthgrl @justforfun1328 @imOnlyWebDevvin @TrinityAndNeo3 @thedailybeast @DonaldJTrumpJr @MarkMeadows DOJ is asserting that it properly invoked 7(d) to protect a source from reprisal by Russian Organized Crime for assisting the FBI by risking harm by operating "within the orbit of suspected violent criminals..."
i.e. collusion with Russian mobsters!

@srenee_24 @markjohnt3 @ACNickel @fi_poodle @GetrealTwo @supersleuthgrl @justforfun1328 @imOnlyWebDevvin @TrinityAndNeo3 @thedailybeast @DonaldJTrumpJr @MarkMeadows DOJ arguing that even if the memos confirm Trump was letting FBI use Taj Mahal casino to run stings on Italian mobsters in 1981, that doesn't mean they must identify what individual & organization was letting them bust Russian mobsters at the Taj Mahal!

@srenee_24 @markjohnt3 @ACNickel @fi_poodle @GetrealTwo @supersleuthgrl @justforfun1328 @imOnlyWebDevvin @TrinityAndNeo3 @thedailybeast @DonaldJTrumpJr @MarkMeadows The FBI does not have to confirm information withheld under 7(d). They must only show the court that withholding "is sufficient if it is logical or plausible" that not confirming the status of an informant would protect the source.

@srenee_24 @markjohnt3 @ACNickel @fi_poodle @GetrealTwo @supersleuthgrl @justforfun1328 @imOnlyWebDevvin @TrinityAndNeo3 @thedailybeast @DonaldJTrumpJr @MarkMeadows It's always about splitting hairs...
So all the documents are responsive to Hettana's FOIA request for Trump & Trump Organization interacting with a mobster.
FBI won't release the responsive documents about Trump & the Trump Org because they would reveal a source.

@srenee_24 @markjohnt3 @ACNickel @fi_poodle @GetrealTwo @supersleuthgrl @justforfun1328 @imOnlyWebDevvin @TrinityAndNeo3 @thedailybeast @DonaldJTrumpJr @MarkMeadows It means that the FBI has zero records about Trump or the Trump Org interacting with a Russian mobster that do not reveal an FBI source.

In this section they discuss the "express... assurances of confidentiality"
The DOJ only denied "implied assurance of confidentiality" exist!

@srenee_24 @markjohnt3 @ACNickel @fi_poodle @GetrealTwo @supersleuthgrl @justforfun1328 @imOnlyWebDevvin @TrinityAndNeo3 @thedailybeast @DonaldJTrumpJr @MarkMeadows Dealing with the claim that DOJ can't withhold evidence of Trump's status as an FBI asset in this case because of the 1981 FBI Memo documenting Trump's plan to staff his casino with FBI agents & informants to stop organized crime.

@srenee_24 @markjohnt3 @ACNickel @fi_poodle @GetrealTwo @supersleuthgrl @justforfun1328 @imOnlyWebDevvin @TrinityAndNeo3 @thedailybeast @DonaldJTrumpJr @MarkMeadows If Trump was not the individual whose status was protected by FOIA Exemption 7(d), then DOJ could argue that the memo about his cooperation with FBI isn't relevant to the source being protected by 7 now...

@srenee_24 @markjohnt3 @ACNickel @fi_poodle @GetrealTwo @supersleuthgrl @justforfun1328 @imOnlyWebDevvin @TrinityAndNeo3 @thedailybeast @DonaldJTrumpJr @MarkMeadows DOJ claims that the FBI Memo outlining Trump cooperating against Italian mobsters at the Taj Mahal does not match requesting information about Trump cooperating against the Russian mob at the Taj Mahal 12 years later!

@srenee_24 @markjohnt3 @ACNickel @fi_poodle @GetrealTwo @supersleuthgrl @justforfun1328 @imOnlyWebDevvin @TrinityAndNeo3 @thedailybeast @DonaldJTrumpJr @MarkMeadows That it doesn't matter how widespread Trump's cooperation with the FBI against mobsters is, the FBI Memo does not count as an official acknowledgement that Trump was cooperating in the Invankov investigation. As the acknowledgement has to be about this specific case to get FOIA!

@srenee_24 @markjohnt3 @ACNickel @fi_poodle @GetrealTwo @supersleuthgrl @justforfun1328 @imOnlyWebDevvin @TrinityAndNeo3 @thedailybeast @DonaldJTrumpJr @MarkMeadows That it doesn't matter that official FBI documents confirm that Trump was cooperating with the FBI at Taj Mahal Casino.
The plaintiff can't rely upon that general claim to claim the FBI has also confirmed Trump was working for the FBI at Taj Mahal Casino against Ivankov.

@srenee_24 @markjohnt3 @ACNickel @fi_poodle @GetrealTwo @supersleuthgrl @justforfun1328 @imOnlyWebDevvin @TrinityAndNeo3 @thedailybeast @DonaldJTrumpJr @MarkMeadows Now looking at the DOJ's Motion for Summary Judgement against the FOIA request.

They are making clear that there is "express assurances of confidentiality" to 3rd parties who assisted the FBI in this case. So documents about Trump are covered by those confidentiality agreement.

@srenee_24 @markjohnt3 @ACNickel @fi_poodle @GetrealTwo @supersleuthgrl @justforfun1328 @imOnlyWebDevvin @TrinityAndNeo3 @thedailybeast @DonaldJTrumpJr @MarkMeadows This thread is getting broken here because someone replied to it before I did. That's odd.

@srenee_24 @markjohnt3 @ACNickel @fi_poodle @GetrealTwo @supersleuthgrl @justforfun1328 @imOnlyWebDevvin @TrinityAndNeo3 @thedailybeast @DonaldJTrumpJr @MarkMeadows FBI also withheld information to protect FBI investigative techniques. The methods to go with the sources.
As we have seen in MANY cases over the past 45 years, Trump properties seem to be wired for sound. The FBI has always tapped the wires at Trump properties!

@srenee_24 @markjohnt3 @ACNickel @fi_poodle @GetrealTwo @supersleuthgrl @justforfun1328 @imOnlyWebDevvin @TrinityAndNeo3 @thedailybeast @DonaldJTrumpJr @MarkMeadows This is speculation, but it makes me wonder if all of those limos provided as comped transportation for Russian mobsters by the Taj Mahal were also wired for sound!


@srenee_24 @markjohnt3 @ACNickel @fi_poodle @GetrealTwo @supersleuthgrl @justforfun1328 @imOnlyWebDevvin @TrinityAndNeo3 @thedailybeast @DonaldJTrumpJr @MarkMeadows We will tell the judge under seal during an in camera review what surveillance techniques the FBI is referring to if necessary!

@srenee_24 @markjohnt3 @ACNickel @fi_poodle @GetrealTwo @supersleuthgrl @justforfun1328 @imOnlyWebDevvin @TrinityAndNeo3 @thedailybeast @DonaldJTrumpJr @MarkMeadows FBI also properly withheld records of it's monetary payments for investigative techniques...
Now why would FBI files about Trump's interactions with a Russian mobster include documents covering monetary payments for investigative techniques?
And folks wonder about Trump's taxes!

@srenee_24 @markjohnt3 @ACNickel @fi_poodle @GetrealTwo @supersleuthgrl @justforfun1328 @imOnlyWebDevvin @TrinityAndNeo3 @thedailybeast @DonaldJTrumpJr @MarkMeadows FBI also withheld sensitive data & search results from non-public databases.
So why would documents responsive to Trump's interactions with a mobster be covered by FBI access to a database?
Was FBI searching Trump customer data?

@srenee_24 @markjohnt3 @ACNickel @fi_poodle @GetrealTwo @supersleuthgrl @justforfun1328 @imOnlyWebDevvin @TrinityAndNeo3 @thedailybeast @DonaldJTrumpJr @MarkMeadows If you have followed me long enough, you know one of my favorite phrases!

All Trump properties come with a Free FBI Financial Colonoscopy! #MobstersCheckInButTheyDontCheckOut!

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