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Dec 17, 2021, 6 tweets… Ontario Science Table has once again scared the wits out of Ontario public and government with latest doomcast, showing lurid European graphs. As usual, they've manipulated data. Can you spot it?

Science Table concealed data prior to June 15, 2021 - the previous wave. In bottom panel, I've shown Ontario (red) vs UK (which is green in top panel, black in bottom). UK has had case resurgence, but ICU and deaths remained low.

UK ICU load went down a couple of months earlier than Ontario - presumably reflecting very late availability of vaccines in Canada (a responsibility and failure of federal govt, not provincial govts.)

It surprises me that ICU occupancy in Ontario had identical peak as UK, while UK cases (and deaths) both had much higher peak than Ontario. Why is ICU to cases relatively higher in Ontario?

another important comparison left out by Science Table, but standard practice in most organizations: year-to-year comparison. Whereas ICU and deaths in 2020 tracked cases promptly, so far in 2021 they are de-coupled.

the decoupling of ICU and deaths from case rate is consistent with the more modest claims for vaccine relevance that we've arrived at. So why the hysteria from Science Table?

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