Billy Bostickson 🏴👁&👁 🆓 Profile picture
Billy Bostickson is your Friend PR Secretary Rage University Coordinator of DRASTIC at

Dec 17, 2021, 10 tweets

1. Recipe for Disaster

Finishing yet another fiendishly complex report which examines engineering flaws & the lightning protection system at WIV's new lab complex

Compromised by cost cutting (use of galvanised steel) leading to corrosion & catastrophic failure of lab equipment

2. Waterlogged soil contaminated with heavy metals

3. Lightning Strikes

4. Grounding mesh damage during construction

5. The WIV Grounding System

“In China, there are a lot of faults caused by bad grounding systems, which destroyed control systems”

“In China, the grounding grid is made of steel. When steel conductors are corroded, it is very dangerous as buried underground”

He & Zheng, 2005

6. Cost Cutting has Consequences

Galvanised Steel vs Copper Ground Rods

7. Lightning makes no sound until it strikes.

8. WIV Lab Shutdowns

"Lightning strikes and power instability caused WIV BSL4 shutdowns in 2017 and 2018"

9. CDC’s “Building 18” in Atlanta (2007)

ask @alisonannyoung

"The outage shut down the negative air pressure system"

"Some time earlier, a critical grounding cable buried in the ground outside the building had been cut by construction workers digging at an adjacent site”

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