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Middle East security analyst, Phd, author of #DroneWars bylines @Jerusalem_Post @BreakingDefense adjunct fellow @FDD Exec Dir. @MidEast_Center @GulfIsrael;

Dec 18, 2021, 6 tweets

Our version of Murgh Makhani at #chezfrantzman, with cashews and hot green pepper sprinkled on at end.


Sauce: Cut up 15 medium tomatoes and fry them with butter, 2 cracked cinnamon sticks, three bay leafs, 5 cardamon cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, salt, dash of paprika

or Kashmiri chili powder. One sliced green chili without seeds. 12 cashews. Sliced ginger and chopped garlic. Cook down for 15 minutes covered. Then blend this and strain and return the liquid to the fire. Add Sliced up 10 garlic cloves and 2 inches of ginger crushed into a paste

Add this to the tomato sauce.

For the chicken marinade: Chicken breasts or chicken with bones, a whole lemon squeezed over the chicken, then salt dash, paprika or Kashmiri chili powder, place in fridge. 200-300 grams of yogurt, garlic/ginger paste, garam masala powder, salt

dash. More paprika. Add dash of oil, turmeric, cayenne pepper, cumin.

After an hour place the chicken on a rack and under high heat in oven until cooked and beginning to blacken.

Pan with garlic-ginger paste and butter; add your sauce and some more tomato puree. 2 tbsp honey,

and or dash of sugar. Dried fenugreek (kasuri methi). Chopped fresh parsley.

When chicken is done cut it into pieces and add to the sauce. Add 3 tbsp of cream and more garam masala powder. Cool down for 15 minutes.

Serve with saffron rice.

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