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Managing editor at @AmerCompass, @Commonplc. Link to my Substack about the media, @Holden_Court, is below. Maker of 🧵threads🧵

Dec 18, 2021, 13 tweets

NEW: The Biden Admin sent talking points out today touting their accomplishments to (some) reporters. It can only be described as a war on reality.

Quick 🧵 to break down the end-of-year desperation they’re hoping the press will buy. ⤵️

First, vaccination rates. Without mentioning that the Admin inherited three vaccines from their predecessor, Biden claims credit for a 70% jump in vaccination rate year-over-year.

A year ago, the first vaccine had been administered one week prior, so OF COURSE vax rates were low.

But when Biden was sworn in, the US was vaccinating citizens at the 5th highest rate in the developed world.

That # has fallen dramatically under Biden. bloomberg.com/news/articles/…

And the school opening stat is despite, not because of, the Admin, who has repeatedly pushed for anti-science measures at the behest of the teachers’ unions. foxnews.com/politics/white…

This same ham-fistedness applies to the stats on job creation, too.

Was anything happening in the last 3-5 months of the Trump Admin, guys? Might that factor in?

Taking credit for the creation of local and state jobs is also intellectually dishonest when so many of the largest job creating states - Florida, Texas, etc. - not only didn’t vote for Biden but have (with good reason) rejected his economic advice. worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings…

And I mean cmon. If someone thought REALLY hard, I’m sure they could figure out why hospitality jobs have come back whether or not the Admin had done anything.

But it gets even more ridiculous when the Biden Admin tries to combat reality on inflation.

Biden touts his “aggressive actions to address prices” in an attempt to elide that prices for consumer goods are near a 40 year high as a result of his policies.

Absent from this is that nearly 70% of Americans think Biden is doing a bad job at handling inflation and the economy. That even includes a *majority* of Dems.

You can almost feel the desperation coming off of the memo here.

I mean. How bad must things be to include gas prices dropping 10 cents *below their recent highs* as a victory?

The Biden Admin can spin these “facts” all they want, but it clearly isn’t convincing voters. His disapproval rate is over 50%, fully 6 points below Obama’s at this point before the 2010 midterm wipeout.

I’m sure that’ll keep the spin doctors busy. projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-approval…

You can read the full memo here:

For those asking why the Biden Admin would bother doing this, the short answer is that…it works.

Here’s @axios, which I think is among the most fair outlets, parroting back what’s on this memo (with a tiny call-out at the end about inflation) axios.com/biden-year-acc…

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