4th July - There's gonna be a Tory wipeout! Profile picture
SODEM. Fighting for our future. #ProportionRepresentation #ToriesOut. To help keep us going: https://t.co/E0IohD1SaN…

Dec 19, 2021, 8 tweets

The Tories really had it in for this banner in particular. This was Tobias Elwood complaining about safety 1st December. Police now have it. Trying to get it back.

NOTE: This banner is on opposite corner here to where it was taken from on 15 Dec. It all started 1st Dec, The following week on 8th we have a mystery policeman intervention ... again this very same banner, but there is a twist....I'm sorting the clips for that now.

Dodgy copper part 1

Dodgy copper part 2 . My patience worn out.

Dodgy copper part 3

So what is wrong with the 'dodgy' policeman - There is a team on the ground of around 100 officers outside of Parliament, he has come from within Parliament and alone! He has been asked by a Tory MP to intervene, the police outside Parliament had no clue!

Tobias Elwood back again 15th December. The day banner is seized.

The irony though! The banner in question was seized from the opposite corner! It was this one, the one that has also been raised inside the House by Tory MPs during debates. "SELF-SERVING LIARS ARE DESTROYING OUR NATION"

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