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Daniel Nichanian. https://t.co/vIb1Tme7H9 Editor & founder of @BoltsMag. Local politics, criminal justice, voting rights.

Dec 19, 2021, 9 tweets

Don’t lose sight of the country-defining presidential election today in Chile between the Pinochet-nostalgic José Antonio Kast & left organizer Gabriel Boric.

For more context:

a profile of Kast: theguardian.com/world/2021/dec…

& a profile of Boric: cnn.com/2021/12/17/ame….

Chile’s runoff has triggered ugly & violence-condoning both-sideist takes bloomberg.com/opinion/articl…


BORIC (left) leads KAST by 53.4% to 46.7% with 13% of precincts reporting; that's 950K votes already.

(In the first round, in November, the earlier batches of precincts counted skewed right.)

The left stays ahead in Chile, with 30% of precincts now reporting their votes (that's 2.2 million votes).

BORIC is now ahead of KAST 54.1% to 46.9%.

It's been called by Chilean media:

Gabriel Boric will be Chile's next president.

Kast has already conceded, & has issued a tweet congratulating Boric.

And the Chilean TV has upped its graphic game:

scenes of jubilant left celebration on Chilean TV

Chile wastes no time to showcase what a peaceful transition of power looks like.

Within an hour of the call, the incumbent President & the new President-Elect do a joint TV appearance & are now chatting back-and-forth.

Boric now leads by 11%, a historically large win in Chile.

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