Suzie Dawson Profile picture
I don't hope, I build: Panquake. Like surveillance, censorship is a for-profit industry that requires perpetual growth. Use if you care about privacy!

Dec 21, 2021, 18 tweets

This Twitter thread is going to raise half a million dollars

Panquake Phase 3 - Final Funding Round!

In Phase 1 & 2 you helped us establish a multi-national company & funded our BETA product build

NEXT: we'll fund hiring & training support staff & launching/marketing Panquake!

Each time a Phase 3 donation is made, I will announce it on this thread.

This thread will remain pinned to the top of my timeline until Phase 3 is complete, so that our many thousands of supporters can keep track of our progress!

Who would like to kick this off? :D

2021 was a hell of a year - at every turn, interests set against social media user freedom reared their ugly heads

Twitter tried to stop us. Didn't work
PayPal tried to stop us. Didn't work
DDOS networks tried to stop us. Didn't work

The people united can never be defeated!

The thirst of social media users to enjoy an ethical platform that doesn't collect or sell their data; doesn't arbitrarily censor their speech, or gaslight them with manipulated engagement metrics, is simply too strong

So is our desire to deliver

Panquake is coming!

Designed & build by some of the best talent there is, in 2021 we already achieved proof of concept for:

* the Panquake encrypted user data store - your data, staying on your device
* the P2P network - where user devices connect to each other to pass messages through the network

What was only an idea less than a year ago, is now a functioning prototype.

We showed off our gorgeous, slick and intuitive interface design to select independent media and industry pros. They were blown away by it.

The completion of Phase 3 means you'll get to see it too!

We promised in Jan we'd show up every single month to transparently report our campaign & build progress to our community

We did exactly that!

December 23rd we have a banger of a delivery for you, to round out the year

(Each 2022 monthly delivery will be added to this thread)

We don't sit around & hope for a brighter future

We band together and make it happen

Every single day we are getting closer to social media liberation, because of the effort, sacrifice and commitment we all put in together

With that said, let the Phase 3 fundraising begin! 🥰

New Campaign Update added to announce Phase 3!

Read the full post at this link:…

Our first Phase 3 donation is in!

$100 from 'David Williams'. Thank you so much!

Join the cause at:

Another donation has come in - $5 closer towards social media liberation for us all!

Join the movement:

And a $50 contribution!

It may seem like a long road but together we're going to make it, mark my words.

Thank you to two more wonderful donors - $25 and $50

Great to see donations regularly trickling in

$25 and $12 donations have arrived! Thank you!

Join us:

And another $50 :)



And a $10 donation!

And another $10 donation! Thank you wonderful community, keep it coming:

By the way - every single paid subscription to @tl_eng goes 100% to supporting the Panquake build! So signing up to for $5 a month is an ideal way to support PQ ongoing... & you'll get important content delivered to you for it!

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