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Dec 21, 2021, 13 tweets

Why you should you vaccinate your kids in 6 words:

Vaccines reduce myocarditis frequency and gravity

And then they reduce deaths, hospitalizations, chronic fatigue syndrome...

Here's a guide with all the details, and what to do if you're on the fence: 🧵

1. Why vaccines reduce frequency & gravity of myocarditis:
Because COVID gives PIMS (Pediatric Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome) in 1 in 4k infections. 75% of the time that includes myocarditis, so 1 in 5k COVID infections in kids include myocarditis.

That is ~3x-30x more common than myocarditis from the vaccine, depending on your age and gender.

It's also much worse after COVID than after a vaccine. This is what the vaccine does to you:

But this is what PIMS myocarditis does to you:
- 2% of kids die, 15% have aneurysms
- Average hospital stay of 6 days vs. 1 after vaccine

There are no other serious side-effects of the vaccine so far. That's after millions of ppl have been tested in the wild. No myocarditis for younger kids so far either.

So that's for myocarditis. Obviously, it's not the only thing. COVID also sends kids to the hospital (1 in ~280), ICU (1 in ~6k), or cemetery (1 in ~100k).

More importantly, it appears to cause Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) in a sizable share of kids.

Current data suggests vaccines reduce infection and hospitalization rates by 10x in kids. If this carries through to other effects of COVID (it does in adults), then vaccines can reduce all these terrible consequences by 10x

Many more questions answered, details, data, graphs, and sources in today's article.
Eg: does this result still hold for healthy adolescent males?…

Still on the fence? Still want to reduce myocarditis risks for your kids? There's ways, if you're thoughtful about it. More details in this thread:

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BTW all of this is valid for Pfizer mostly, and Moderna partially. Not for any other vaccine.

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