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I report what I see. If it's good, it's good; if it's bad, it's bad. Does not depend on me. Make them release more awesome stuff. Don't shoot the messenger.

Dec 21, 2021, 7 tweets

Got a pretty worrying #TeslaCrashFootage in the mail.

This is on AP (NoA, really), 75 mph into a truck, no braking, no warnings of any kind.

The firmware is 2021.4.18.2, accident in June 2021.

radar-equipped car (but hw2.5 of course)

the truck was seen by both the radar and also could be clearly observed by the narrow camera from quite a distance away (pictures are spaced 1 second apart)

In fact it was when I reviewed the narrow cam video footage I saw there's a guy with a flashlight behind the truck (I hope they were not hurt and ran away as fast as they could after seeing Tesla not braking) since twitter likely compressed him out

This footage is pretty interesting to apply current NNs to and I hope I can talk @rice_fry into cooperating on this front to see hw3 detections from various releases
(I know it's tedious, but it's such an interesting showcase to demonstrate whatever progress there is)

Interesting that this same car also got into another accident in 2019 and the footage is still there. Not as extreme as the final one of course.

Aftermath picture

also link to main camera footage from streamable that should be less compressed:

Interesting addition I saw on reddit.

Here's a somewhat similar unlit situation filmed (very irresponsibly if you ask me) in California.

You can count the percentage of drivers that avoided the situation yourself (ADAS use unknown obviously).

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