Curtis Houck Profile picture
Managing Editor @NewsBusters, Proud grad of @Penn_State & @ManheimTownship via Lancaster, PA. Caps, Nats, NASCAR, mental health, ✝️. Views = mine

Dec 21, 2021, 6 tweets

CNN's @Phil_Mattingly to Biden: "You said we have to do better but public health officials have been saying for months you need to surge rapid tests for...this moment. Is it a failure that you don't have an adequate amount of tests for everyone to be able to get one...right now?"

PBS's Yamiche Alcindor: "What's your message to Americans who are trying to get tested now and who are not able to get tested and who are wondering what took so long to ramp up testing?"

Biden: "Come on, what took so long?"

.@JacquiHeinrich: "Did the travel ban work, sir, and will you reverse the travel ban [to Africa] now that omicron is so prevalent here in the U.S.?"

Biden: "I'm considering reversing it. I'm going to talk with my team in the next couple of days."

NBC's @MikeMemoli: "You talk about the importance of keeping your word of trust, do you believe Senator Manchin kept his word to you, and how do you rebuild trust with progressives in your party to advance your legislation now?"

Biden is going along and then, all of a sudden, he starts swaying and yelling at the clouds....then ends his answer by saying "I'm not supposed to be having this press conference right now."

That's on top of coughing earlier. The President of the United States is...not well.

ABC's @RachelVScott: "Did Sem. Manchin break his commitment to you? When you announced the framework, the WH says that all 50 senators were believed to get behind it -- Democratic senators, so did [he] break his commitment to you?"

Biden says they will "get something done" (6/6)

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