Nathan Barry Profile picture
Founder & CEO at @ConvertKit (soon to be @Kit) The operating system for creators who mean business:

Dec 21, 2021, 7 tweets

My top 5 most underrated @ConvertKit features:


#1 — Thank you pages

After someone subscribes to your landing page you can use a thank you page to show them any custom content.

Follow on social, check your email to confirm, etc

My favorite use is an up-sell with ConvertKit Commerce to turn it into a full funnel. Example:

#2 — Split paths

In most automation tools if you want to branch an automation based on more than a couple conditions you need to nest if statements. It's messy.

In ConvertKit you can use split paths to do it in a super clean way.

#3 — Changing a link after an email is sent

Ever made a mistake with a link that you only caught AFTER hitting send? In every other email tool you'd have to send a correction.

In ConvertKit you can just hit edit and change the link.

It's magic.

#4 — Snippets

With snippets you can define custom blocks of content or liquid code that you can call from anywhere in your broadcasts, sequences, or email templates.

Use it for: calls to action to change everywhere at once, testimonials, upsells, and more.

#5 — Embed rich content

ConvertKit supports playing video natively in an email. Try it. The engagement from subscribers is so much higher.

You can also embed songs and podcasts from Spotify, tweets, galleries, and so much more rich media.

Have you used all of these?

What would you put on your own underrated or favorite features list?

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