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Managing Editor @NewsBusters, Proud grad of @Penn_State & @ManheimTownship via Lancaster, PA. Caps, Nats, NASCAR, mental health, ✝️. Views = mine

Dec 22, 2021, 10 tweets

Joy Reid was off Monday, so she didn't get to comment on Joe Manchin killing Build Back Better. Sure enough, she came back today & she's having a rough time: "The multimillionaire coal baron...been on the side of special interests...He was always negotiating in bad faith[.]" (1/)

Joy Reid: Joe Manchin has "pulled a full @JDVance1, showing open contempt for the people he supposedly is doing such a bang up job representing. He actually had the nerve to raise questions & concerns...that parents would use their child tax credits on, oh, yes, on drugs." (2/)

Joy Reid: "What is really sad is how much [BBB] would have helped WV, a state that, despite Manchin's leadership and all power, is not exactly in the best shape. West Virginia ranks infrastructure, 48th in economy, 47th in health care, & 45th in education." (3/)

Joy Reid, doing the WH's bidding vs. Manchin: "For his bad faith, fake negotiating, & obstruction of a bill that would truly help his constituents, Joe Manchin -- Maserati Manchin -- is tonight's Absolute Worst. Up next, we'll dig more into how [he] misrepresents his state" (4/)

With Joy's aid, the WH will get Manchin to switch parties: He "killed the most transformative legislation of the 21st century. He says, 'oh, he can't explain a bill that lifts thousands of kids out of poverty, cleans up polluted communities, & helps parents take care'"

Joy Reid to MJF on Manchin: "Here is a coal baron...whose daughter was in the expensive EpiPen biz, who's rich & has a yacht & a Maserati...saying the poors are lazy, don't give them money, it's going to make them lazier...don't give 'em help...the same Ronald Reagan stuff." (6/)

Joy Reid and Molly Jong-Fast argue West Virginians oppose Build Back Better because they don't know what's in it and don't understand there's great things in it for them. (7/)

Joy Reid: "You know whose job it is to turn [WV's economy, education, etc.] around & explain...I'm going to make your life better? Well, that would be Joe Manchin...Your thoughts."

@MollyJongFast: "Yeah, I don't think he cares too much about the people of West Virginia." (8/)

.@MollyJongFast: Joe Manchin "can be the hero of this right-wing state...He's taking things away from his people that they desperately need. It's so--it's--it's so upsetting to me as a person to see all this poverty & the things that government can help these people." (9/)

Joy Reid ends the show by saying WV is an "oligarchy" run by Manchin + Jim Justice: "A state with one billionaire and everybody else is either poor or...struggling...The one billionaire is the governor...He'll get to billionaire eventually b/c he's working them funds" (10/10)

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