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Dec 22, 2021, 10 tweets

Let me tell you how I made $134K in sales in 2 weeks.


First, I launch a waitlist for my cohort.

Second, I gave the waitlist a special introductory price.

That made me $50K in a weekend.

Third, I promoted the cohort on Twitter for 2 weeks.

Fourth, every week for 2 weeks the price went up by $100.

Every peek your see in the chart is when the Urgency kicks in.

Urgency is when a buyer feels the time is running out.

When I launch a product, I add urgency using one of the following urgency triggers:

1. “Buy before the deadline to get an additional bonus”
2. “The price will go up on the deadline”
3. Or “enrollment closes on the deadline”

When you provide value online, people trust you.

Once they trust you, they'll buy your stuff.

So they'll also trust that the price will go up.

Wanna know a secret?

50% of the sales came from a waitlist of 1200 people.

I used ConvertKit for the waitlist.

You can start a waitlist or your newsletter for free 👇

Convertkit is free for up to 1000 subscribers!


You must start a newsletter!

Especially for 2022!

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