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*I didn’t pay for that damn checkmark* “A Twitter rando” - Rolling Stone mag. Possible CIA operative according to OAN. Writer. Photographer. Father.

Dec 22, 2021, 5 tweets

I took this picture in the wee, cold hours this morning.

It makes me ridiculously happy.

Eastern screech owl. The first owl I have ever seen in the wild.

Y’all have to understand, I have been on a fruitless search for an owl for weeks.

I have found and taken pictures of every even vaguely owl-friendly tree hole east of the Mississippi (there may be some exaggeration there).

Big ones. Little ones. Potential multi-owl dwellings.

I was seriously thinking of becoming an owl realtor because there are some great opportunities on the owl real estate market right now.

“Mr. and Mrs. Owl, I can get you into a great place. Original wood floors. Quiet neighborhood.”

Look at these listings!

So, suffice it to say, seeing that adorable little screech staring back at me all sleepy and unamused, yeah, that was cool.

I am a tremendous bird dork. I say that proudly.

Birds are cool. Owls are very cool.

This was my first sighting ever. Nicccccce.

And then I hit a “post” on the above tweets and got out of the car and there was this red-tailed hawk screeching at me like “I’m right freaking here! How do you not see me??”

I have bad eyesight. Jeez. Relax.

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