Christopher Bouzy ( Profile picture
When I was 9, I started coding on a Mattel Aquarius computer. I developed several products in my 20s & 30s, and then in 2018, I launched Bot Sentinel.

Dec 23, 2021, 8 tweets

Get your early morning popcorn ready for this.🍿

A group of hate accounts convinced csthetruth to sue Bot Sentinel and me for defamation, in return for their "support." So he rushes to court and files pro se...

You can read the incoherent complaint here:…

Hate accounts are jumping for joy because most of them are uneducated and don't understand the legal process, while all of legal Twitter is literally laughing at csthetruth. Six days before suing Bot Sentinel, he filed another lawsuit... pro se...

So by now, you must be asking yourself, "why did this buffoon file this asinine lawsuit that isn't going anywhere?" Really simple, this is a classic case of grifters grifting grifters. He is being sued by other people, including The National Academy of Television and Sciences ...

He desperately needs money because he is embroiled in several lawsuits, and he has been conned into thinking he can get anti-Meghan hate accounts to support him financially...

You can read about all of his legal troubles here:…

But if you think that is bad, this is nuts!…

Now here is the LOL moment. He was so excited at the thought of finally finding a bunch of morons to give him money, he spelled Bot Sentinel incorrectly and forgot to remove "complaint for abuse of process and misconduct by attorneys" from the footer of the document.😂🤡

This is the original document. He is literally recycling documents.🤦🏾‍♂️🤡…

Maybe he should Google vexatious litigant. 👀…

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