Curtis Houck Profile picture
Managing Editor @NewsBusters, Proud grad of @Penn_State & @ManheimTownship via Lancaster, PA. Caps, Nats, NASCAR, mental health, ✝️. Views = mine

Dec 23, 2021, 6 tweets

DOOCY TIME: "So why is the President saying about this new variant, 'nobody saw it coming, nobody in the world' if that's not true."

Psaki: "Well first, I would say that nobody saw -- knew that there would be the number of different variants."

Doocy: "About the testing & the contingencies, why is it that you guys are proposing 500 million tests next month if you haven't even signed a contract to buy [them]?"

Psaki: "Well, we have no concern about the contract being finalized. We're just working to finalize [them]."

Doocy: "If it's so easy to get the tests, why don't people have them now? Who here decided...Americans were going to want to have access to these tests in January as opposed to now before they go home for Christmas?"

Psaki argues they've "quadrupl[ed]" testing "since the summer"

OMG this Doocy question 🔥🔥

"There's going to be a website that people can go to starting next week. There are a lot of Obama alum that work here...Is anybody that was involved in the creation of going to be involved in the creation of this new website?"

Doocy: "Is the President taking crime in big cities more seriously now that a Democratic member of Congress, Mary Gay Scanlon, has been carjacked at gunpoint?"

Psaki: "Well, let me first say that we are relieved she was not injured & the President...spoke w/her this morning[.]"

Doocy: "If the President is giving big cities historic levels of funding and members of Congress are going home & gettin' carjacked at gunpoint, then what else can [he] do or what else is [he] going to do to keep people safe?"

Psaki: "Well, this is a priority for the President."

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