Alf Profile picture
Founder of The Macro Compass. Former Head of $20bn Portfolio. Next: CIO of my own Macro Fund.

Dec 24, 2021, 10 tweets

Our grandmas would be proud of us tonight.

Proper Southern Italian dishes, which also means f**k the look, it must taste good and portions big enough to feed an army.

All religiously handmade - no cheating.



This is how you start: enough salami, ham and cheese to make you feel full…but you just started.


Ok grandma, we deviated a bit here.

Muffins with pancetta and melted cheese.

Smells amazing, tastes better.


We are still looking at entrees here!

Rustico with ricotta, parmigiano and spinach.


Grandma special ravioli.
Wife delivered big times here, look at these boys!

Fluffy, perfect consistency.
Filled with ricotta and parmesan, cooked for only few minutes and served…


…like this!

Zero care for the presentation, ravioli like it’s raining!

Fresh tomato sauce - yes, handmade too!

My family produces fresh tomato sauce every single August, no exceptions.


It’s time for queen parmigiana di melanzane!

Fried eggplants with mozzarella and tomato sauce.

Typical Neapolitan dish, absolutely delicious but very complicated to get it right!


Aaaand fish of course!

Deep-fried calamari with salt and lemon from the Amalfi Coast.

Also here, no cheating: clean a gazillion calamari, don’t buy them already cleaned and cut in rings.
Major difference in taste.


Clearly, King Homemade Sourdough Bread won’t miss the party here.

A look at the inside crumb, holes and all.


Panettone, pandoro, limoncello and coffee still to go.

1 full week to digest and 3 months diet to follow! :)

Happy holidays everybody!

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