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I study and discuss urban planning, placemaking, sustainability, transit, cycling, and housing issues. I highlight innovation and challenge cities to do better.

Dec 27, 2021, 10 tweets

Thread, with lots of photos: Commerce Street (between S 21st and 23rd), the heart of #Tacoma's Brewery Blocks, *must* become CAR-FREE. Its potential is incredible!! Without cars, it could quickly become the most exciting, European-feeling corridor in the entire Pacific Northwest!

Here's the Google Street View of the 2100 block of S Commerce St. Would this be a *glorious* car-free block or what? The couple I talked to (previous photo) agreed 100%! They walk their dog all the time, and they can't stand the cars, especially at night, when mischief happens.

The breweries are STUNNING here. And we all know that drinking + driving = disaster. Removing #cars will dramatically increase both safety and urban vibrancy. Imagine the VIEWS from these historic buildings when PEOPLE replace CARS! @CityofTacoma

/4: You can easily take transit here--yet another reason to ditch the cars from just ONE stretch of the #Brewery Blocks. These breweries & buildings are so beautiful. #Tacoma

/5: There is already WAYY too much car #parking in all surrounding blocks. Just make this ONE little stretch of Commerce St PEOPLE-friendly! Take over the street! I will NOT give up until the #cars are GONE. 99.9% of #Tacoma will still be car-dominated. All I ask for is 2 blocks.

/6: Imagine the perfect connection to UWT, which is *already* largely car-free. You could literally walk/bike/roll directly to campus. And the most notorious meth corner in the Brewery Blocks would be eliminated!!

Again: look at the seamless transition to the UW-#Tacoma campus! @uwtacoma needs to be a partner in the effort to make S Commerce St car-free from 21st to 23rd!! Also: *driving* north on Commerce through 21st is *incredibly* dangerous; you can't see #cars flying downhill!

/8: The Brewery district is growing up super quickly! It NEEDS this signature car-free center. Everyone I talked to in person agreed 100%! It'll bring WAY more eyes on the street and greatly reduce the drug-dealing at that roundabout at the south end of UW-Tacoma @uwtacoma

Final shots (for now). Everyone I talked to at Camp Colvos (great #pizza!!) and @7seasbrewing Brewing agreed: S Commerce St between 21st & 23rd would be an *incredibly vibrant, safe and exciting* corridor with the #cars removed. Plus, it'll add *hundreds* of outdoor dining spots!

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