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Patriot, standing on the shoulders of Giants. Bringing joy, I hope.

Dec 27, 2021, 11 tweets

1/ I have an interesting side-dig that ties in billionaires, silver, a massive underground city, football, the Bush family, & possibly, the JFK a$$a$$inations

Meet: The Hunt family

Starting with Lamar: founder of the AFL, tied to Silver prospecting, & creator of Subtropolis

2/ I know them b/c I once met a direct family member who told me stories that at the time sounded insane: abuse, craziness, & then said the family was tied to the death of JFK

I wrote them off as a nut

Of course you’re getting this from me, but I got it from a 1st Hand Source

3/ This was 20+ years ago, but something triggered this in my mind over a family convo in Christmas & I decided to look into that family

& I wish I’d taken the person more seriously back then

This 👇 is Lamar’s father who made his fortune via oil

& even his wiki mentions JFK

4/ Remember, this person told me themself that the family was involved in JFK

I hadn’t thought of this in 20+ years until I just looked it up

Naturally I feel like an asshol now

I wish I’d listened to them & asked a lot more questions:

5/ Being billionaire oil men in Texas, naturally they’re linked to Bush Sr

If you type in the HL & Bush’s names, every damn thing that comes up is JFK

Again, I heard about this in the 90s, when public internet 1.0 was in its infancy

& *I heard it from a Hunt family member*

6/ HL’s son Lamar was the founder of the AFL, which later joined with the NFL to become the NFL as we know it now

Lamar was inducted into the HoF in 1972

The family still owns the KC Chiefs

Back then, I was invited to sit in the owner’s box by the person (I declined)

7/ Sorry I fell asleep. Tweeting in bed after much family Christmas merriment

Where was I?

The Hunts & the Bush family

Texas & Midwest-based millionaire oilmen

Likely you’ve seen the JB Hunt trucks on the highway. That’s them

I always think “Well X’s fam is doing well.”

8/ Let’s move to Subtropolis

It was built in an area central to the US, right next to an amusement park owned by the Hunts

It’s used for storage, but there’s another use that Wikipedia doesn’t mention:

It appears to be a “switching hub” for trucks

9/ It’s a foreign trade zone (how?)

Rail services, connected/close to all the major highways

Close to intermodal facilities

Trucking is a major part of human trafficking

Did I mention Texas has 300,000 human trafficking victims? 79,000 of which are minors

10/ Say, weren’t we just talking about Texas?

As the last image below (from Hunt’s website about Subtropolis says) its all about

“Location, location, location.”

All done waaaaaaay underground, away from prying eyes

11/ And here’s a link to my screencaps of a paywaII-hidden in-depth Dig on the Hunt family

I’m sure it’s sanitized while appearing to be a probing bit of investigative journalism

I’ll read it in a bit... just grabbed it while I could

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