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Dec 27, 2021, 8 tweets

Despite all the challenges we faced this year, 2021 has also been a year full of inspiring stories about solidarity, merit and hope.

We bring you 7⃣ inspiring stories of 2021!

1⃣ The power of science

In 2021, Dr Özlem Türeci and Dr Uğur Şahin, co-founders of @BioNTech_Group, received the Order of Merit – an award for their scientific persistence to develop a COVID-19 vaccine saving lives of millions of people worldwide. 🏅

An inspiration to all.

2⃣ The power of solidarity

In 2021, #TeamEurope shared over 350 million doses to low and middle-income countries - mostly via #COVAX. And our efforts will continue next year with more donations.

Because no one is safe until everyone is safe.

3⃣ The power of ideas

In 2021, we launched the Conference on the Future of Europe. 🌍

People from across the EU, reflecting our diversity, are sharing their ideas for Europe's future.

And yes - you can still propose your ideas! #TheFutureIsYours

4⃣ The power of green transition

In 2021, the special train #ConnectingEuropeExpress brought Europe together. 🚆

In 36 days, it travelled through 26 countries, crossed 33 borders, stopped at more than 120 stations and covered about 20,000 km.

A memorable #EUYearOfRail.

5⃣ The power of symbols

In 2021, you were many to vote for the design of a special 2€ coin to celebrate the 35th anniversary of #ErasmusPlus – a programme we all praise and value.

With a bit of patience, the coins will be in your wallets as of 1 July 2022.

6⃣ The power of role-models

In 2021, the Italian athlete @VioBebe won a gold medal at the #Tokyo2020 Paralympic Games. She brought her story and unbreakable positivity to our State of the European Union in September.

“If it seems impossible, then it can be done!”

7⃣ The power of innovation

In 2021, we launched two new #Galileo satellites into space. Galileo – the EU's satellite navigation system already provides super accurate satellite navigation signals to million of users.

And it helps you, navigate the earth!

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