AANTONIO Profile picture
Entrepreneur🧠 Creative🪄 Investor📈| Author✒️ Rebel w/ a cause💯 Podcaster🎤: @BUILDERZPODCAST | ABUNDANCE MAGNET 🧲| NFA/DYOR📚|🪵🐀♒️8️⃣

Dec 27, 2021, 5 tweets

-100MIL assets (read Q)
-4x high yeild #Gold mines (press)
-70+ mil cash on hand (read Q)
-Base of operations in El Salvador 🇸🇻
-Pursuing geo thermal crypto mining🇸🇻
-Crypto ex processing 5.5 mil transactions per sec, w/220 trading pairs launches Dec 28th.

$AABB "zero pump" ya dig.

I've been here for a long time playa...adv (below .01c)

That's what that patience gets ya.

AFTER DEC 28TH...(24/7 365 REVENUE)📈

Took profits on the .65c run, now I'm on #BIGHOUSEMONEY

2022 all upside from here. (Imo)

$AABB I D.D everything related to anything I invest in.

Research gives you foresight in this game.

"Helps you to the changes & shifts"

"Swiss Bank Seba Launches Regulated Gold Token, Aims to Bolster 'Digital Ownership of Physical Gold"


$AABB 💥Phase 1 launched 💥

Asia Broadband Launches AABB Proprietary Cryptocurrency Exchange


Clean phase 1 exchange launch

-200+ additional trading pairs added over the weeks.
-More exchange features
-Ecommerce/merchant integration
-Credit cards
-Additional share reduction coming(DD).


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