Lazarus Long Profile picture
If you have to say goodbye to your dog, be there in person. Hold them. Don't let them die with just the vet. #CoVidIsAirborne #Masks4All #PZC.

Dec 28, 2021, 16 tweets

Just wanted to do a quick thread of who pushed for this.

To start - 3 reasons on why is a bad idea. Besides crushing our health care workers.

"...your symptoms are resolving after 5 days".

Bad cough just got a little better- back to work!

"Continue to wear a mask...".


Sorry. Ahem. Because the honor system worked out so well before.

And of course...CoVid doesn't read a calendar too well.

@j_g_allen @KatherineJWu

Quick note....there are a lot of experts who are against this.

Know of more? Reply in a civil fashion and I will add to the thread.

The science behind the decision.

A November 2020 study by...I just can't.

A 36 person Delta study.

They didn't even try.


If you are a HCW, then you are worth less than the corporations weighing in.

Now, stop reading this thread and get back to work.


Complete pie in the sky suggestion about tests.

Harvard is remote, so they are good.

More airlines. FedEx. UPS.…

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