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Hindu tan man. Hindu jivan. Rag rag Hindu mera parichay. Views strictly personal. That this has to be stated explicitly is a sign of the times we live in!

Dec 28, 2021, 9 tweets

After two failed attempts to get darshana of the swayambhu at Korukonda, today finally prabhu granted permission.

The rama katha sculpted in the prakara atop the hill - what an awesome temple!

The outer walls of the prakara of swayambhu atop the hill has the rama katha sculpted around it in two rows. Some snaps. Pardon bad pics. No talent.

Top row on the west side (?) depicts dasavatara-s. However, the order seems strange. Also, there is a depiction of either buddha or a tirthankara - very likely buddha. Not Venkateswara - as is popular in this part of the country.

Curiously, Jaganmohini avatara is depicted. Note that the Jaganmohini temple in Ryali is famous in this part of desh. It is not far from here. Kalki is also depicted.

Telugu peoples have no respect for temples. You may see BJP supporters are also included in this list.

Some more snaps of rama katha.

Ravana's deception. Ravana kidnaps Sita mata. Jatayu tries to stop Ravana. Rama and Laksmana meet Hanuma.

Vali vadha. Construction of Rama Setu. The war between Rama and Ravana.

Some of the depictions were not clear to me. One particularly stands out. We can see golden deer but what follows was kind of unclear to me.

On the east wall of the prakara, the lower row has the full story of sundara kanda. The depiction of Jambavan's upadesha of hanuma's janma rahasya is remarkable.

All in all a nice half day trip if you come to these parts of desh. If you are taking your kids along, it will be a nice study of the rama katha depiction. I didnt take my kids today. If prabhu permits, next time.

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