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Dec 28, 2021, 7 tweets

Located in the national capital of New Delhi, the Lotus Temple is an edifice dedicated to the Baha'i faith. The magnificent structure of this building unfolds in the form of a stupendous white petal lotus and is one of the most visited establishments in the world.

The design of this shrine was conceptualized by Canadian architect Fariborz Sahba and was completed in the year 1986. This temple seeks to propagate the oneness of the Almighty and is open to all regardless of their nationality, religion, race or gender.

The Lotus temple is one of the seven Baha'i House of Worship present around the world.
As you enter the complex of the temple, you encounter an enchanting entrance gate, beautiful floral gardens and scintillating pools.

The pathway leading up to the temple doors is lined with lush green shrubs and a feeling of tranquillity adorns the atmosphere despite the bubbling crowd. Once inside, the mesmerising architecture will lull you into an introspective silence.

You can read and chant religious texts of any faith, and musical renditions of religious texts can be sung without any inhibitions in the temple complex.The Bahai Lotus Temple is without a doubt one of the must-visit places in the capital.

Not just for its marvellous architecture but also to experience a new way of meditation in a completely different,blissful ambience,
the temple is built of Greek white marble in the shape of Lotus flower. Lotus was chosen as the symbol as it was common to all religions.

The structure for the House of Worship in New Delhi is composed of 27 free-standing marble-made "petals" organized in bunches of three to form nine sides. The nine doors of the Lotus Temple open onto a central hall, that has the capacity of holding up to 2,500 people.

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