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Dec 28, 2021, 17 tweets

.@Jose_Pagliery's exceptional synopsis confirms tfg's fixers went Full Moonies in the end

Very Messed Up Thread™ incoming


let's get this out the way first;

Navarro felt fine spearheading tfg's sedition bc our news media relentlessly normalized him throughout 2020 crankyyank.com/2020/08/26/dea…

I'll not repeat the name of @RealPNavarro's book (also a podcast because grifting)

Navarro publicly downplayed COVID while sounding alarms internally

all while having ZERO qualifications to opine on any of it


while not having "Call of Duty" war-hallucinations Bannon & @RealPNavarro used half-witted football imagery

oh and coordinating with @RandPaul (Q-Kremlin) & @tedcruz (Q-Cancun) makes me wonder: how TF are them MAGA goons still in congress

“We spent a lot of time lining up over 100 congressmen, including some senators. It started out perfectly" @RealPNavarro to @Jose_Pagliery

me, in February ⬇️

(cc: @HunterJCullen @BaddCompani @MelissaJPeltier @MrTAchilles @DavidManOnFire @DempseyTwo)


Peter Navarro super-sure Bannon invented the word "receipts" 😶

idea of sedentary-felon Bannon running QB plays is patently hilarious

.@RealPNavarro does his best Moonies Flex with "brother Bannon"

Navarro called Sid Powell's disinfo "counterproductive" but judges are saying it's grounds for disbarment and possibly criminal

but that's just a quibble really.

filed to: lies MAGAs tell themselves

with 2 books published I know market research is hugely important;

@RealPNavarro's screed is written for willfully ignorant folk who don't read

citing Roman history is like lighting cash on fire or calorie count on Denny's menu; no intrinsic value

ps to @jzikah: "Brutus" needs to be in the story map!

"our coup was so polite we sent TY notes after" @RealPNavarro

um wut

final thoughts;

@ninaandtito's point about claiming privilege on garbage book's content is 🎯

they'll try, mind you.

and this via @emptywheel

response to any subpoenas will hinge on how MAGA the publisher is imo

Peter Navarro is walking-confession machine

keep it up, bub

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