Tyler Rogoway Profile picture
Creator/Editor-In-Chief of https://t.co/yE3nwVuT3d. Gizmodo Media Group and Time Inc. alum.

Dec 29, 2021, 12 tweets

Some great behind the scenes images from the production of Airwolf were sent to me by the son of A. Mac Queen who was one of the stunt pilots on the show. Here Mac Queen and another on the crew are troubleshooting something on celeb chopper while in hover.

These guys were having a ball supporting Airwolf and a number of shows like A-Team and movies like Blue Thunder that had modified helicopter stunt flying in huge demand.

Blue Thunder on deck!

Bell 222 door gun mod!

They did some crazy destructive set pieces too:

The crew absolutely loved The Lady according to Mac Queen’s son, they all wore their custom Airwolf flight jackets around LA.

I put this in the wrong thread, so I will put it here too. Yes that’s The Lady sling loading!

Dressed up Little Birds and Jet Rangers were almost always the villains

Blue Thunder’s cockpit

The great Ernest Borgnine on set!

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