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Dec 29, 2021, 7 tweets

I’m starting in on a portrait of this prominent cardiologist

Can anyone name them?


Added the background in. This allows you to better balance the values (brightness and contrast) in the whole painting

I talk about mixing the oil for the background here … sound on

I blocked the face in today. This is just a rough draft … details to follow (facial hair etc) #cmgsees

Clyde is now wearing a pinstripe suit … buttons coming later …

Today we tackle the hand, which can be as tough as the face

Note to file: nothing is tougher than a pinstripe suit 🤣

I keep my paint from drying up overnight by storing it in this airtight box made by Guerrilla guerrillapainter.com/collections/9x…

I keep my brushes fresh and clean by storing them in Poppy oil

(In an Art Deco shot glass 🤣)

(I’d rather be someone’s shot of whiskey than someone’s cup of tea)

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